Access mailboxes


You can access and use the mailboxes that are used for package transfer. The mailboxes reside on the MOVEit server.

Mailboxes typically include: Inbox, Sent, Drafts, Templates, and Trash. Custom mailboxes are also possible.

Deleting packages

You can delete packages from a mailbox's list of packages.

Note: You can also open a package in your Inbox, Sent, and Templates, and delete it from there.

Deleted packages go to Trash. You can delete individual packages there, or empty the entire Trash.

Permanent delete is available only from in the Trash mailbox.

Note: The Delete function in Inbox, Sent, Drafts, and Templates is equivalent to the "Trash" action in the desktop web interface. It only moves the package into the Trash mailbox. (In this respect, the function of the Drafts and Templates mailboxes are different from the desktop web interface.)

Reply to, forward a package

You can access any package sent to you by going to your Inbox.

You can open a package, access any attached files, and reply to, forward, or delete the package. (You do the same with sent packages that you access from the Sent box.)

Recall package, view details

You can recall a package that you sent by going to your Sent mailbox. (Packages can be recalled as long as they have not been viewed by all recipients.)

You can also view the "send receipt" with logged details about the sending of the package. If applicable, the details will include the passwords that were automatically generated for unregistered recipients.

(You can also reply, forward, or delete packages that you access in your Sent mailbox.)

Open draft to send

You can access a draft package that you saved in your Drafts mailbox, to complete and send it. (Similarly, you can access an existing template in your Templates mailbox, to complete and send.)

Empty trash

You can delete packages from a mailbox's list of packages. You can also open a package in your Inbox, Sent, and Templates, and delete it from there.

Deleted packages go into the Trash, where you can permanently delete them.

You can delete individual packages there, or empty the entire Trash.

Note: You can also open a package in your Trash and permanently delete it from there.