For the IMail Server installation to access a remote SQL Server, the remote SQL Server must be a member of same Active Directory Domain as the IMail Server being installed. This is very important for permissions between the servers to work correctly.
Warning: Be sure that the following steps are completed before the IMail Server is installed.
Note: Be sure to log in to the server as an Administrator on the domain.
In the SQL Server Management Studio and right click to create the following database:
in the Server Security Logins. Set the default database to WorkgroupShare."User Mapping"
group and check WorkgroupShare. Select the following database roles: "db_datareader"
, "db_datawriter"
, and "db_owner"
Note: Make sure you are logged in to the node as a Administrator on the domain.
"Use Existing Local SQL Server"
option and point it to the SQL Server configured in the previous steps using Windows Authentication.Note: The Install dialogs indicate this should be a local SQL server. Due to the configuration steps performed earlier, this will stop the installation of the SQL Server and will allow the remote SQL Server to be accessed.