MessageCountSettings PropertiesIpswitch.Messaging.Framework

The MessageCountSettings type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAction
Gets or sets a value indicating the message limit
Public propertyAlertAdmin
Gets or sets a value indicating if the admin user should be alerted
Public propertyCount
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyInterval
Gets or sets a value indicating the Interval Value
Public propertyIntervalType
Gets or sets a value indicating the IntervalType (Minute, Day, Hour)
Public propertyIsReadOnly
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyItem
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyLimit
Gets or sets a value indicating the message limit
Public propertySqliteDbPath
Gets or sets a value for where the Sqlite database path is stored
Public propertyStatus
Gets or sets a value indicating the Status for the settings.
See Also
