WebClientUserSettings ClassIpswitch.Messaging.Framework
A collection of settings that apply to the web client at the user level.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework
Assembly: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework (in Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.dll) Version:

public class WebClientUserSettings : Settings

The WebClientUserSettings type exposes the following members.


Public methodWebClientUserSettings
Initializes a new instance of the WebClientUserSettings class, which acts as a collection of user-level settings that apply to the web client.

Public methodAdd(ISetting)
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodAddT(String, T) (Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodClear
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodContains(String)
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodContains(ISetting)
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodCopyTo
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetT
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodGetEnumerator
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRemove(String)
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodRemove(ISetting)
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodSetT
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Public propertyAlternateEmailAddress
Public propertyAlternateFromAddresses
Gets or sets a value that allows the user to sent messages that appear to come from an address other than their actual one.
Public propertyAlwaysRequestReadReceipt
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a read receipt should always be requested when sending a message. If PIM is disabled, it will disable Calendars, Notes, and Tasks in the Web Client.
Public propertyAutoSaveDraftFrequency
Gets or sets a value that indicates how often the compose page will save messages being composed as a draft.
Public propertyAutoSuggestRecipients
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the web client should automatically suggest recipients to the user while composing.
Public propertyCalendarDayEndTime
Gets or sets a time offset from midnight indicating the time each day that the calendar should use as a cut-off when hiding late appointments. Any appointments after this time will normally be hidden. The user can still view appointments after this time by requesting to see the entire day.
Public propertyCalendarDayStartTime
Gets or sets a time offset from midnight indicating the time each day that the calendar should use as a cut-off when hiding early appointments. Any appointments before this time will normally be hidden. The user can still view appointments before this time by requesting to see the entire day.
Public propertyCalendarDisplayDeleteConfirmation
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether a confirmation dialog will appear asking users if they are sure they wish to delete the calendar item.
Public propertyCalendarEnableReminders
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether reminders will pop up for calendar items.
Public propertyCalendarFirstDayOfWeek
Gets or sets a value that indicates which day of the week should appear at the beginning of each week.
Public propertyCalendarInitialView
Gets or set a value that controls what field will be used to sort a contact list.
Public propertyCalendarMinutesPerRow
Gets or sets a value that specifies the number of minutes each row in the calendar should represent.
Public propertyCalendarMultiDayNumber
Gets or sets a value that specifies the number of days to display in the calendar multiview.
Public propertyCalendarShowAllDayRow
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the All Day row should be displayed on the user's calendars.
Public propertyCalendarWorkDayEndTime
Gets or sets a time offset from midnight indicating the time each day that the calendar should treat as the end of a typical work day.
Public propertyCalendarWorkDayStartTime
Gets or sets a time offset from midnight indicating the time each day that the calendar should treat as the start of a typical work day.
Public propertyCheckMailLocation
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the webclient will check for new mail in all of the user's folders or only in the user's inbox.
Public propertyConfirmMessageDeletes
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not to present a confirmation message to the user when messages are deleted.
Public propertyContactsSortField
Gets or set a value that controls what field will be used to sort a contact list.
Public propertyCount
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyDefaultAddressBookFolder
Gets or sets a value that indicates which folder should be used as the default contact folder by the web client.
Public propertyDefaultCalendar
Gets or sets a string that contains the id of the folder that will be shown by default in dropdowns when multiple calendars exist.
Public propertyDefaultMessageEncodingName
Gets or sets the name of a code page for an Encoding that will be used as the default whenever an Encoding is needed for the User in the web client.
Public propertyDisplayBccInCompose
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client will show the BCC field by default when composing a new message.
Public propertyDisplayCcInCompose
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client will show the CC field by default when composing a new message.
Public propertyDisplayCheckboxesInGrids
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not checkboxes should be displayed by grids in the web client user interface.
Public propertyDisplayName
Gets or sets a string that is the Name to be used for this user in the web client. This is the name that will be used in outgoing messages or anywhere else that a friendly name string for the user is needed in the web client.
Public propertyDisplayQuickCompose
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the compose link is display by itself on the menu or under the actions menu option.
Public propertyEnableColumnFiltering
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not column filters are allowed to display in the web client's user interface.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not a user is allowed to access the web client.
Public propertyEnableDSTAdjustment
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not a daylight savings time will be applied to any dates/times.
Public propertyEnableEmptySubjectWarning
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client will warn the user if a message being sent contains an empty subject.
Public propertyEnableMissingAttachmentsWarning
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client will warn the user if a message contains no attachments, but contains text implying that one should be there.
Public propertyFailedLoginAttempts
Gets or sets a value that indicates how many times the User has attempted and failed to log in to the web client since the last successful login.
Public propertyIncludeAttachmentsWithForwards
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not forwards will contain any attachments found in the original message.
Public propertyIncludeAttachmentsWithReplies
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not replies will contain any attachments found in the original message.
Public propertyIncludeGroupsInAutoSuggestion
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not group contacts should be included when message recipients are auto-suggested by the web client.
Public propertyIncludeInlineImagesAsDownloadableAttachments
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not checkboxes should be displayed by grids in the web client user interface.
Public propertyIncludeOriginalMessageInForwards
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not forwards will contain the original message.
Public propertyIncludeOriginalMessageInReplies
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not replies will contain the original message.
Public propertyInitialFolderToDisplay
Gets or sets a value indicating the user folder that will be initially displayed when the user logs in.
Public propertyInsertSignatureIntoForwards
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not forwarded messages will have the user's signature inserted into them.
Public propertyInsertSignatureIntoReplies
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not replies will have the user's signature inserted into them.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyItem
(Inherited from Settings.)
Public propertyLastFailedLogin
Gets or sets a DateTimeOffset that marks the last date and time that the user attempted to log in to the web client and failed.
Public propertyLastLogin
Gets or sets a DateTimeOffset that marks the last date and time that the user successfully logged in to the web client.
Public propertyLockouts
Gets or sets a value that indicates how many times the User has been locked out of the web client due to too many failed attempts to log in since the last successful login.
Public propertyMailCheckFrequency
Gets or sets a value that indicates how often the webclient will check for new messages.
Public propertyNewMessageAlertBlinkCount
Gets or sets a value that indicates how many times the webclient should blink when alerting the user that new messages have arrived.
Public propertyNewMessageFormat
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether new messages should default to HTML or Plain Text.
Public propertyNewMessageSoundExternalUrl
Gets or sets a URI that can be used to locate a sound file to play when new messages arrive. If null, then the default sound file will be used by the web client.
Public propertyNewMessagesPlaySound
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the webclient should play a sound when new messages arrive.
Public propertyNewMessagesShowAlert
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the webclient should do something to notify the user when new messages arrive.
Public propertyNewMessagesShowNotification
Gets or set a value that indicates whether or not the webclient will display a new messages notification.
Public propertyOnlyShowUnread
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the message list will display unread messages only.
Public propertyPagingAlwaysVisible
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not paging will be shown when there is only one page of results.
Public propertyPagingLocation
Gets or sets a value indicating where to display the paging buttons.
Public propertyPagingNumberPerPage
Gets or sets a value that specifies the number of message list items to display per page.
Public propertyPagingShowTextAlongsideButtons
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not text will be show beside the paging buttons.
Public propertyPagingStyle
Gets or sets a value indicating what type of paging buttons to display for the message list.
Public propertyPasswordChangeRequired
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the web client should require that the user change their password.
Public propertyPimEnabled
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not Personal Information Management is enabled or disabled. If PIM is disabled, it will disable Calendars, Notes, and Tasks in the Web Client.
Public propertyPurgeMessageOnDelete
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not deleted messages should be purged from the user's folders instead of being moved to a special folder for deleted items. If true, deleted items will be removed instead of moved.
Public propertyReadingPaneLocation
Gets or sets a value indicating where to display the reading pane.
Public propertyReadReceiptResponseAction
Gets or sets a value that indicates which of the options in the ReadReceiptResponseAction enum should be taken when a read receipt has been requested for a message.
Public propertySaveMessagesInSentFolder
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client should save a copy of messages that are sent.
Public propertySaveRecipientsAsContacts
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not the web client should automatically save message recipients in the user's contact list.
Public propertySignature
Gets or sets a string that can be automatically appended to the bottom of new messages composed in the web client.
Public propertySpamConfirmBeforeReport
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not a confirmation dialog will appear before a message is reported as spam.
Public propertySpamFolder
Gets or sets a value indicating the id of user folder that will be used as a spam folder.
Public propertySpamReportAction
Gets or sets a value that indicates what will happen to messages after they are reported as spam.
Public propertySuppressExternalImages
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not images should be suppressed when displaying messages in the web client.
Public propertySuppressJavascript
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not scripts should be suppressed when displaying messages in the web client.
Public propertySuspended
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether or not a user's access to the web client has been suspended. Web client access is usually suspended due to exceeding the maximum allowed login attempts.
Public propertyThemeName
Gets or sets a value that controls which theme the webclient uses.
Public propertyTimezoneOffset
Gets or sets the time offset for the user's time zone used by the web client.
See Also
