HandleMeetingRequestHandlerStatus EnumerationIpswitch.Messaging.Framework

[Missing <summary> documentation for "T:Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.Mail.MeetingRequest.HandleMeetingRequestHandlerStatus"]

Namespace: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.Mail.MeetingRequest
Assembly: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework (in Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.dll) Version:

public enum HandleMeetingRequestHandlerStatus

  Member nameValueDescription
NoRequestFound0 No Request was found in the message
Ignored1 Message or VCalendar was ignored, this usually means the VCalendar Sequence # was older than we have for the appointment. Or the VCalendar Method is something other than Request, Cancel, or Add In these cases we ignore the request.
Accepted2 Meeting request was found and accepted.
Declined3 Meeting request was found and declined.
Canceled4 Meeting request was found and the sender requested the meeting be canceled.
Error5 Error was encountered while processing meeting request.
Delay6 We are intentionally defering processing of this item until later. This occurs when the Sequence # is off by more than one indicating we may be missing an interim request. We delay processing to let all the messages to be recieved.
See Also
