ReadReceiptResponse ClassIpswitch.Messaging.Framework
Represents a Message Disposition Notification. Currently only implements what is necessary for Read Receipt responses.
Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.Mail
Assembly: Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework (in Ipswitch.Messaging.Framework.dll) Version:

public class ReadReceiptResponse : Email

The ReadReceiptResponse type exposes the following members.


Public methodReadReceiptResponse
Initializes a new instance of the ReadReceiptResponse class

Public methodDelete
Deletes the message
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodDispose
Dispose of the object
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBodyLines
Returns the message body as a series of CRLF delimited lines
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodGetBodyStream
Returns the message body as a byte stream
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHeaderLines
Returns the message header as a series of CRLF delimited lines
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodGetHeaderStream
Returns the message header as a byte stream
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodGetLines
Returns the message as a series of CRLF delimited lines
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodGetStream
Builds a Stream containing the bytes for this email in its MIME format.
(Overrides EmailGetStream.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSave
Saves the Message flags to the mailbox file
(Inherited from Email.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Public propertyActionMode
The action mode for the Disposition property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertyAttachments
The message attachments
(Overrides EmailAttachments.)
Public propertyBcc (Overrides EmailBcc.)
Public propertyBody (Overrides EmailBody.)
Public propertyBodySize
The message body size
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyCC
Gets or sets a list of carbon copy (CC) recipients for this email.
(Overrides EmailCC.)
Public propertyContentType
The message content type
(Overrides EmailContentType.)
Public propertyDate (Overrides EmailDate.)
Public propertyDispositionType
The disposition type for the Disposition property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertyFinalRecipient
The Final-Recipient property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertyFlags
The message flags
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyFolder
The containing email folder
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyFrom
Gets or sets the EmailAddress of the sender of this email.
(Overrides EmailFrom.)
Public propertyHeaderSize
The message header size
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyId
Gets a unique identifier for the message.
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyIndex
The one-based message index
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyInReplyTo
The In-Reply-To header
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyMeetingRequest (Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyMessageId
The Message-Id header
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyMimeStructure
The MIME structure
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyNotificationAddress
The Read-Receipt header
(Overrides EmailNotificationAddress.)
Public propertyOriginalMessageId
The Original-Message-ID property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertyParentFolder (Inherited from FrameworkFolderItem.)
Public propertyPriority
The email priority
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyReceivedDate
The date the message was received
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyReplyTo
The Reply-To header
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyReportingUserAgentDomain
The domain string for the Reporting-UA property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertyReportingUserAgentVersion
The email client's name and version string for the Reporting-UA property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertySender
The Sender header
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertySendingMode
The sending mode for the Disposition property of the message/disposition-notification part.
Public propertySize
The message size
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertySubject (Overrides EmailSubject.)
Public propertySubjectCharset (Overrides EmailSubjectCharset.)
Public propertyTo
Gets or sets a list of recipients for this email.
(Overrides EmailTo.)
Public propertyUidl
The message UIDL
(Inherited from Email.)
Public propertyUser (Inherited from Email.)
See Also
