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Remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server

IMPORTANT: If you plan to remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server and then reinstall it later AND you want to retain your existing Ipswitch Analytics Server database, follow the instructions in Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server.

To remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server, first sign in to the Ipswitch Analytics Server machine using an account with administrator privileges.

You can remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server using the Control Panel or the Ipswitch Analytics Server installation file:

Remove the Analytics Server using the Control Panel:

WARNING: If you remove the Ipswitch Analytics Server via the Control Panel, you will lose your entire Ipswitch Analytics Server database.

  1. Open Control Panel > Uninstall a program.
  2. Select Ipswitch Analytics Server from the list and click Uninstall.

    The Ipswitch Analytics Server uninstalls. No further action is required. When the process completes, the Ipswitch Analytics Server and its database will be removed from the machine.

Remove the Analytics Server using the installation file:

  1. Open Ipswitch_Analytics_Base_vn.exe where n is the release number of the Analytics Server.
  2. Cick Next. A message box opens, asking you to confirm the removal.

    WARNING: The Ipswitch Analytics Server and the Ipswitch Analytics database will be removed.

  3. To remove the server and database, click Yes. The uninstallation begins immediately, and progress bar appears.
  4. On the Uninstall Complete screen, click Finish.

    WARNING: If you want to keep your Ipswitch Analytics Server database and reinstall Ipswitch Analytics Server later, cancel the removal now and follow the instructions here: Remove and Reinstall the Ipswitch Analytics Server, which shows you how to preserve your Ipswitch Analytics Server database for later use. You can also visit the PostgreSQL website for instructions on backing up your Ipswitch Analytics Server database.

  5. Verify that c:\Program Files\Ipswitch\Analytics Server is removed. In some cases this folder may remain after a removal. Remove it manually if you see the Analytics Server folder remaining.