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User Audit > Activity Fields

Activity Field

Summary or Detailed*






Name of the action. An action can include user logins, user maintenance actions, DLP maintenance actions, or any number of actions performed on a MOVEit server or the Report Server, depending on the template.

Note: The User Maintenance template contains only actions taken to manage other users (or actions that are initiated by MOVEit Central and affect user provisioning or settings). The DLP Maintenance templates include only DLP maintenance actions.

Each source system (MOVEit DMZ, MOVEit Central and Report Server) has a different set of actions, although some actions are common to all source systems. Some values correspond to a single action (such as login or change password) while other values may contain a variety of actions (such as Change System Setting), with detailed information about the action included in the Details field.

MOVEit Central Actions:
Includes only actions that are initiated by a user (or are initiated by MOVEit Central and affect user provisioning or settings). Most tasks (workflows) occur within the context of a Windows service and are not associated with a user. File operations are executed only in the context of a task run and are not initiated by a user, therefore file operations do not display in User Audit reports. Possible MOVEit Central Actions include:

  • User Access:
    • Login / Logout
  • Workflow Actions:
    • Add / Delete / Change / Run Workflow

      Note: Add task and Update task are logged in MOVEit Central with the same info and cannot be distinguished.

  • Administrative Actions:
    • Add / Change / Delete Host

      Note: Add host and Change host are logged with the same info and cannot be distinguished.

    • Add / Change / Delete Script

      Note: Add script and Update script are logged with the same info and cannot be distinguished.

    • Change System Settings: The category of system setting that is being changed is logged.
  • User Management Actions:
    • Add / Delete User
    • Change User Info

MOVEit DMZ User Actions:

  • User Access:
    • Login / Logout
  • File/Folder Actions:
    • Upload / Download / Delete File
    • Add / Change / Delete Folder
  • User Management Actions:
    • Add / Delete User
    • Change User Privilege / Role
    • Change User Password
    • Change User Info
    • Enable / Disable User
    • Lock Out User (due to excess login failures)
  • Administrative Actions:
    • Lockout IP (due to excess login failures)
    • Enable IP (If the unlock was automatic, IPaddress is the target IP and the Username is set to 'Automation'. If the unlock was done by the sysadmin, IPaddress is set to the IPaddress used by the sysadmin and the Username is the internal UserID of the sysadmin.)
    • Add / Delete Organization
    • Change System Settings
    • Remove a Session
    • Add a Group
    • Add a member to a Group
    • Change Group Admin settings
    • Change Group member settings
    • Change Group display profile
    • Add User to Group address book
    • Add Group to User's address book
    • Change Group announcement / Logo
    • Change general Ad-hoc settings
    • Change package quotas
    • Change password strength settings / aging history / permissions
    • Change authentication method
    • Change multi-signons
    • Change default user expiration policies
    • Add an expiration policy
    • Change user quota values
    • Change remote access rules
    • Change SSO settings
    • Add / Change / Delete DLP ruleset
    • Add / Change / Delete DLP rule

Ipswitch Analytics Server User Actions:

  • User Access:
    • Login / Logout
  • User/User Group Management Actions:
    • Add / Update / Delete User
    • Update User Role
    • Update User Password
    • Update User Authentication
    • Update User Info
    • Enable / Disable User
    • Update Group Ruleset
    • Add / Update / Delete User Group
    • Add User to a User Group
    • Delete User from User Group
  • Template/Report Actions:
    • Add / Update / Delete Template
    • View / Save / Export / Delete Report
    • View Report Data
  • Administrative Actions:
    • Add / Update / Delete Ruleset
    • Delete Report Agent
    • Add / Update / Delete / Claim / Release / Read / Assign License
    • Send Email Notification





Success or Failure of the action(s).

Status Message


Error text or message with additional information. The contents of this field are dependent on the action and status.

Activity Count


Number of times the action occurred.

Login Count


Number of logins.

Login Success Count


Number of successful user logins.

Login Failure Count


Number of unsuccessful user logins.

* A field can contain either Detailed information about a single transfer, process, or action, or Summary information about multiple transfers, processes, or actions that have been aggregated for higher-level analysis. N/A means the field appears regardless of the report output type selected.