Examples - Create a Task From Scratch

This example shows how to create a new task using an existing XML template for a task definition.

VBScript Code

First we need to get some template XML for a task. One method is to define a task XML skeleton as follows:

TaskXMLTemplate = "<Task ID="""" Name="""" Active=""0"" NextEID=""3"" AR=""0"">" & _
	"<Schedules/>" & _
	"<Source HostID="""" Type="""" Path="""" FolderName="""" FolderID="""" FolderType="""" FileMask="""" DeleteOrig=""0"" NewFilesOnly=""0"" SearchSubdirs=""0"" Unzip=""0"" RetryIfNoFiles=""0"" " & _
		"UseDefRetryCount=""1"" UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs=""1"" UseDefRescanSecs=""1"" UseDefBlindDL=""1"" UDMxFi=""1"" UDMxBy=""1"" UseDefMD5Get=""1"" UseDefMD5File=""1"" UseDefUser=""1"" UseDefClientKey=""1"" UseDefRsm=""1"" ID=""1""/>" & _
	"<Destination HostID="""" Type="""" Path="""" FileName=""[OrigName]"" UseOrigName=""1"" ForceDir=""1"" OverwriteOrig=""1"" UseRelativeSubdirs=""0"" Zip=""0"" UseDefRetryCount=""1"" UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs=""1"" ID=""2""/>" & _

Alternatively, you could have a template task defined in MOVEit Automation from which you can build new tasks:

TaskXMLTemplate = oAPI.GetItemXML("Task", "Template Task", True)

In the following code we alter the template task XML to create a brand new task. The SuggestItemID() function is used to generate a new ID for the task. The CreateItem() function is used to create the new task once done modifying the XML.

	ItemType = "Task"
	' Get a suggested ID for the task.
	ItemID = oAPI.SuggestItemID(ItemType)
	' Update the TaskXMLTemplate to include the new Task ID and a friendly name.
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(TaskXMLTemplate, "Task", 1, "ID", ItemID)
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Task", 1, "Name", "New Task Created by API")
	' We will use a MOVEit DMZ server for the Source.
	SourceType = "Host"
	SourceHostType = "siLock"
	SourceName = "My DMZ Host"
	SourceXML = oAPI.GetItemXML(SourceType, SourceName, True)
	If SourceXML = "" Then
		ErrDesc = "Couldn't find host with name '" & SourceName & "'"
		bOK = False
		Exit Sub
	End If
	' Get the ID for this Source host.
	SourceID = oAPI.GetAttribute(SourceXML, SourceHostType, 1, "ID")
	' Update the ItemXML with the source information.
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Source", 1, "HostID", SourceID)
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Source", 1, "Type", SourceHostType)
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Source", 1, "FolderName", "/Distribution/Accounting")
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Source", 1, "FileMask", "*.xls")

	' We will use an FTP server for the Destination.
	DestType = "Host"
	DestHostType = "FTP"
	DestName = "My FTP Host"
	DestXML = oAPI.GetItemXML(DestType, DestName, True)
	If DestXML = "" Then
		ErrDesc = "Couldn't find host with name '" & DestName & "'"
		bOK = False
		Exit Sub
	End If
	' Get the ID for this Destination host.
	DestID = oAPI.GetAttribute(DestXML, DestHostType, 1, "ID")
	' Update the ItemXML with the destination information.
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Destination", 1, "HostID", DestID)
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Destination", 1, "Type", DestHostType)
	ItemXML = oAPI.SetAttribute(ItemXML, "Destination", 1, "Path", "/inbound")

	' Attempt to add the new item to some task groups.
	Groups = "My Tasks|Production Tasks|DMZ Tasks"
	' Since we're creating an brand new item, there's no need to call CheckoutItem().
	' Submit the new item using CreateItem().
	bOK = oAPI.CreateItem(ItemType, ItemID, ItemXML, Groups)
	If Not bOK Then
		ErrDesc = "Error creating item: " & oAPI.GetErrorCode() & ": " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription()
	End If