Examples - Update a global parameter using CheckoutItem and ModifyItem

This VBScript example shows how to checkout an item from the MOVEit Automation config, modify it, and submit the changes. This particular example uses CheckoutItem to checkout a global parameter called NumberSeq, which keeps track of a numberic sequence of numbers. If the Checkout is successful, the script will increment the value, editing the XML to reflect this change, and then re-submit the XML using ModifyItem to update the MOVEit Automation config with the changes that were made.

VBScript Code

Option Explicit

Dim oAPI

Function IncrementCount()
	Dim ItemType, ItemID, ItemXML, Count
	Dim oXML, oNode
	Dim bOK, ErrDesc
	bOK = False
	ItemType = "GlobalParameters"
	ItemID = ""
	' check out the GlobalParameters section
	ItemXML = oAPI.CheckoutItem(ItemType, ItemID)
	If ItemXML = "" And oAPI.GetErrorCode() = 4010 Then
		WScript.Echo "The global parameters section is currently checked out to someone else. Will retry in 15 seconds..." & vbcrlf
		WScript.Sleep 15000
		ItemXML = oAPI.CheckoutItem(ItemType, ItemID)
	End If
	If Not ItemXML = "" Then
		' load the XML obtained from CheckoutItem into an MSXML object for parsing
		Set oXML = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0")
		' look for a global parameter named "NumberSeq"
		Set oNode = oXML.selectSingleNode("//GlobalParameters/NumberSeq")
		If Not oNode Is Nothing Then
			' get the current count of the number sequence and then increment the value
			Count = oNode.text
			Count = Count + 1
			oNode.text = Count
			ItemXML = oXML.xml
			' re-submit the modified GlobalParameter section
			bOK = oAPI.ModifyItem(ItemType, ItemID, ItemXML)
			If Not bOK Then
				ErrDesc = "Error modifying global parameters: " & oAPI.GetErrorCode() & ": " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription()
			End If
			ErrDesc = "Couldn't find global parameter ""NumberSeq""."
		End If
		Set oXML = Nothing
		Set oNode = Nothing
		ErrDesc = "Error checking out global parameters: " & oAPI.GetErrorCode() & ": " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription()
	End If
	If Not bOK Then
		WScript.Echo "Error in IncrementCount: " & ErrDesc
	End If
	IncrementCount = bOK
End Function
Sub Main()

	Set oAPI = CreateObject("MICentralAPICOM.MICentralAPI")
	If Not oAPI.Connect() Then
		WScript.Echo "Could not sign on to MOVEit Automation: " & oAPI.GetErrorCode() & ": " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription()
	    Exit Sub
	End If
	WScript.Echo "Signed on to MOVEit Automation." & vbcrlf
	If IncrementCount() Then
		WScript.Echo "Successfully incremented global parameter ""NumberSeq""."
	End If
End Sub


Set oAPI = Nothing