MICentralClt is a command-line program that communicates with MOVEit Automation to start and monitor tasks. It provides similar capabilities to the programmatic interface. In other words, MICentralClt allows you to start tasks, wait for their completion, and return basic or detailed status information.
MICentralClt is invoked as follows. [] designates optional arguments. {} designates that one of the enclosed arguments is required.
MICentralClt | [-host:hostname] [-user:username] [-password:password] {-start:"taskname" | -startid:taskid} [-p:ParamName=Value] [-waitsecs:waitsecs] [-noxfers:err] [-rf:response_file] [-tf:task_file] [-sf:steps_file] [-df:debug_file] [-D:debug_level] |
where: | |
hostname | is the name or IP address of the server running MOVEit Central. The default is "localhost". |
username | is the Windows username of a user on the MOVEit Automation server that is a member of the "MOVEit Admin" user group. This is not required and is ignored if the hostname is "localhost" or "". |
password | is the password of the above user; it is not required and is ignored if the hostname is "localhost" or "". |
taskname | is the name of a task to start. If the name contains spaces, you must surround the name in double quotes; for instance, either -start:"Detroit Report" or "-start:Detroit Report". |
taskid | is the ID of a task to start. This is rarely used; although MOVEit Automation uses task IDs internally, most users refer to tasks by name. |
ParamName=Value | is an optional task parameter to pass to the task. You may specify the -p:ParamName=Value argument multiple times, to pass multiple task parameters to the task. Enclose the argument with quote marks if the name or value includes spaces. You may also use the syntax -p:ParamName:Value. |
waitsecs | is the number of seconds to wait, polling MOVEit Automation for the completion of the started task. If this is not specified, the program will not wait for the task to complete. |
noxfers | is an alternate error code to return when the task being run results in a "No Action". The default is to return a value of "0" for both "Success" and "No Action" task runs. |
response_file | is the name of a file to which the response will be written, indicating success or failure of the requested action. The default is to write it to standard output. |
task_file | is the name of an optional output file that will contain the overall results of the task run. See Overall task status format. |
steps_file | is the name of an optional output file that will contain the details on the individual steps of the task run. See Detailed job step status format. |
debug_file | is the name of a file to which a debug log will be written. The default is "MICentralClt.log" in the current directory. |
debug_level | indicates the verbosity of the debug file. The default is 0, which shows only internal errors. A value of 40 logs basic actions, while 60 is fairly verbose. Other values may be defined in the future. |
MICentralClt writes a response file to indicate whether it was successful in starting the task, and if the task completed, whether the task run successfully.
The response file consists of several ASCII lines. Each line contains a tag name, a colon, a space, and a value. The lines have the form:
Tag name | Meaning |
ErrorCode | An integer error code, with the following meanings:
ErrorDescription | A description of the error. If the value is empty, there was no error. |
TaskID | The ID of the task. If the task was started by name (with the -start parameter), this value will be filled in with task ID obtained from MOVEit Automation. |
TaskName | The name of the task. |
NominalStart | The time at which MOVEit Automation received the request to start the task. The task may not have actually started until shortly afterward. If the task did not start, this is empty. The time is in the form: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. |
TimeEnded | The time the task ended. This value can be empty
for these reasons:
Note: A complete example involving the use of the command-line app and several task parameters to drive a template task that uploads files to different destination hosts and paths (determined at runtime) is available as a Knowledge Base ("KB") on our support site (https://moveitsupport.ipswitch.com).
Here is an example of a successful task run:
Response: ErrorCode: 0 ErrorDescription: TaskID: 367869478 TaskName: Detroit Report NominalStart: 2005-09-25 12:57:00 TimeEnded: 2005-09-25 12:57:06 |
Here is an example of a task run that started successfully, but failed due an error on a source:
Response: ErrorCode: 6 ErrorDescription: Could not access filesystem c:\zzzzbad on try 1 of 1: The system cannot find the file specified. TaskID: 652946401 TaskName: Get from filesystem NominalStart: 2005-09-25 13:21:16 TimeEnded: 2005-09-25 13:21:16 |
Here is an example of a failure due to a misspelled task name:
Response: ErrorCode: 4020 ErrorDescription: No such task name: zzzMonthly Reports TaskID: TaskName: zzzMonthly Reports NominalStart: TimeEnded: |
Here is an example of a task that started, but did not complete within the specified wait period:
Response: ErrorCode: 5500 ErrorDescription: The task did not complete within the specified wait time TaskID: 156967384 TaskName: Chicago Report NominalStart: 2005-09-25 13:07:38 TimeEnded: |
MICentralClt's return code (the value returned to the %errorlevel% variable in a batch file) is the same as the ErrorCode in the response file (unless no files have been transferred and the -noxfers option has been specified).