XML Document Formats - Task Configuration - Host

Unlike other sections of the XML, host XML nodes have node names which reflect the type of the host:  siLock (for MOVEit DMZ), FTP, SSHFTP, FileSystem, SMTP, POP3, AS1, AS2, or AS3.

It is not necessary to include a FileSystem host in the TaskXML; if none is included, the configured FileSystem host is used. 

Host elements have the following attributes:

AttributeDescription Hosts
AddComThe default additional commands ("quote" commands) sent before each transfer.  FTP
AddComAXThe default additional commands ("quote" commands) sent after each transfer.   FTP
AddComSignonThe additional commands ("quote" commands) sent right after signon.   FTP
AdjDST1 if this host's timestamps will change when Daylight Savings goes into (or out of) effect.   DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
AS1HostIDThe ID of the related AS1 host, if applicable.  AS2
AuthOrderAn optional string like "tls|tls-x|ssl" specifying the order in which we should try AUTH commands if using explicit SSL. This is for maximum flexibility with unusual FTP servers.
The tokens in this string have these meanings:
"tls" - Try AUTH TLS, followed by PROT P if nec.
"tls-x" - Try AUTH TLS-P or TLS-C.
"ssl" - Try AUTH SSL, also switching to SSL instead of TLS.
"tls-y" - Try the opposite of the current type; e.g.,
if current type is TLS-P, try AUTH TLS-C.
CmpLSSH compression level; 0-9.  Defaults to 6.  SSH
CustomDir1 if column-based custom directory parsing is being used.  FTP, SSH
CustomDirSkipTopThe number of lines that should be skipped at the top of a directory listing.  Applies only if CustomDir is 1.  FTP, SSH
CustomDirSkipBottomThe number of lines that should be skipped at the bottom of a directory listing.  FTP, SSH
CustomDirColFilenameThe column number of a filename in a directory listing.  FTP, SSH
CustomDirColDateThe column number of a data in a directory listing.  FTP, SSH
DefAB"ascii" or "binary".  FTP
DefAccountThe default FTP "account".  This is rarely used.  FTP
DefAddressFromThe From: address for emails to this SMTP host. SMTP
DefBlindDL1 if downloads from this host should be "blind" by default (no directory listing).  FTP, SSH
DefClientCertStoreThe default client certificate store, typically "My". DMZ, FTP
DefClientCertSubjectThe subject name of the default client certificate. DMZ, FTP
DefClientCertSHA1The SHA1 of the default client certificate.  FTP, SSH
DefClientKeyIDThe ID of the default SSH key.  SSH
DefMxByThe default maximum number of bytes to download from this host in one task run.  0 means infinite. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
DefMxFiThe default maximum number of file to download from this host in one task run.  0 means infinite. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
DefMD5FileThe filename of the MD5 file, if MD5 files are being used.  FTP, SSH
DefMD5Get"IfPresent", "Required", or "Never".  Determines whether to download and process an MD5 file. FTP, SSH
DefPartnerNameThe default partner name. AS1, AS2, AS3
DefPassive1 if transfers should be in passive mode by default.  FTP
DefPasswordThe default password for this host.  This string is encrypted. DMZ, FTP, SSH
DefRescanSecsThe default number of seconds between rescans of this host.  The default of 0 disables this feature. FTP, SSH, Filesystem
DefRetryCountThe default number of retries. All
DefRetryTimeoutSecsThe default number of seconds between retries. All
DefSortThe default sort order for filenames.  This is a string of form 1,2 where 1 is Date, Size or Filename and 2 is A or D (for Ascending or Descending).  DMZ
DefUsernameThe default username. Most
DirScriptIDIf specified, the custom directory parsing script to use.  
DMZHostIDThe host ID of the associated MOVEit DMZ host. AS1, AS2, AS3
ForceNonLumpHash1 if uploads should be done in NonLumpHash mode, which is necessary for certain poorly-programmed firewalls.  DMZ
HostThe hostname. All
IDThe ID by which this host is referred by sources and destinations. All
ID2One or more IDs referring to alternate hosts for this particular host. Most
IgnoreCertProbs1 if certain types of certificate problems, such as hostname mismatch, should be ignored. DMZ, FTP
MDNPollCountThe number of attempts a task should make to retrieve an MDN after a send. AS1, AS2, AS3
MDNPollTimeoutSecsThe number of seconds between MDN polls. AS1, AS2, AS3
NameThe name of the host All
NATUseServerIPForData1 if the FTP client should connect to the IP address on the command socket rather than that given in the response to PASV. FTP
NATClientIPThe IP address that Central should present during active mode FTP.  If not specified, use the host's IP. FTP
PASVWSThe number of seconds that Central should pause before connecting to a passive port.  This is a very obscure attribute needed only by certain buggy FTP servers. FTP
PauseRerunSecsThe number of seconds to wait before automatically rerunning a task after a successful download. AS1, AS3
PortThe TCP port number of the host. DMZ, FTP, SSH
ScriptPathThe script path used to create the URL for the server. DMZ
SecureFor DMZ hosts, 1 if SSL should be used.  For FTP hosts, one of the strings "on", "1", "ssl", "tls-p", "on-ccc", "tls-p-ccc", "off", "none", "0", "tls", "tls-c", "tls-c-ccc", "implicit", "implicit-ccc". DMZ, FTP
SSHFingerprintThe approved SSH fingerprint of the host's SSH key. SSH
UseNotif1 if notifications should be used. DMZ, Filesystem
UTCOffsetThe number of seconds of time zone difference between this host and Coordinated Universal Time.  Rarely used. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
RenameAfterUpload1 if Central should upload as a temporary name, then rename to the final name. FTP, Filesystem
TempUploadNameThe temporary filename to use if RenameAfterUpload is in effect. FTP, Filesystem