An AS3 source is a reference to an AS3 host that defines a single ruleset for obtaining a file from a partner's EDI data message for use in a task. Partner credentials, encryption method and other partnership-level details are configured at the Host level. For more information, see AS1, AS2 and AS3 - Hosts - AS3.
AS3 Source Options:
Folder - The folder on the AS3 FTP server to search for EDI data message files. You can use Macros in this field.
FTP File(s) - The files to be downloaded from the AS3 FTP server. You canuse Macros in this field, as well as * and ? wildcard characters. Multiple masks may be entered, separated by semicolons (;).
Ignore File(s) - If checked, one or more file masks can be entered. Files whose names match one of the entered masks are ignored. You can use Macros in this field. Multiple masks can be entered, separated by semicolons (;).
Upload MDN(s) to Same Folder as Files - If checked, MDNs are written to the same FTP folder in which the original EDI data message was located. If not checked, you can specify an MDN Folder. You can use Macros in the MDN Folder field.
MDN Filename - The name of the file where MOVEit Automation writes the MDN to if an MDN is requested by the sending partner. You can use Macros in this field.