A destination is a reference to a host that defines a single location to which files will be sent. A task can have zero or more destinations. If there are no destinations, there must be at least one process for a task to be eligible to run (be "ready").
Common Destination Options:
Folder Name or Path - Indicates the folder name or path in which MOVEit Automation should save files on the remote host. You may use Macros in this field.
Full UNC paths cannot be used here when using the local filesystem host. In order to use a remote filesystem by UNC or mounted drive letter, the host must be added as a Share to the hosts list. If a UNC is entered, MOVEit Automation Admin will attempt to find a matching Share host to use instead, and prompt the user to use that host.
Filename - The filename (i.e. "readme.txt") MOVEit Automation should use to save files on the remote host. You may use Macros in this field.
"Browse" Button - The Browse button provides an easy way to select a folder on the remote host, which will automatically fill the Folder Name field. If your destination simply needs to upload to a specific directory on the host, the Browse button is the easiest configuration method to use. If you need a more complex configuration, however, the Folder Name field can still be edited after being filled by the Browse button.
Note: browsing will not work if the username or password fields contain references to certain types of macros, such as non-global task parameters.
Use Original File Name(s) - Indicates whether or not MOVEit Automation should save the file with the name under which it was saved on the source. If this option is not checked, MOVEit Automation will use the name defined in the Filename field. This name may contain macros.
Overwrite Setting - Indicates how MOVEit Automation should handle situations in which the files already exist on the destination. The available options depend on the host type.
For MOVEit Transfer servers, the option is a checkbox:
Overwrite Existing File(s) of Same Name - Indicates whether or not MOVEit Automation should silently overwrite existing files. If this option is left unchecked, the destination transfer will fail with a message indicating that the file already exists on the destination host.
Important: Although it is unlikely that you would use FTP or SSH to upload to MOVEit Transfer, be aware that append is not supported in MOVEit Transfer.
For FTP and SSH servers, and the filesystem, the options are:
Overwrite existing file(s) of same name - If a file already exists, it will be overwritten; otherwise, a new file will be created. This is the default.
Leave existing file(s) of same name alone - If a file already exists, the destination transfer will fail with a message indicating that the file already exists on the destination host.
Append to existing file(s) of same name - For both downloads and uploads, if a file already exists, the data being transferred will be written to the end of that file. For downloads, if the file does not already exist, a new file will be created. For uploads, if the file does not already exist, an error message is displayed, and a new file is not created.
Note: If Append is chosen, and an error occurs while attempting to append, then no further appends will be attempted on the destination during that task run. This is to prevent appends from being attempted out-of-order.
Compress File(s) (Zip format) - When selected, this will cause MOVEit Automation to compress the file using Zip compression. Note: each file is individually compressed and a ".zip" extension is used in place of the filename extension specified in the "Filename" field. (For example, a value of "[OrigName]" in the "Filename" field will cause the zipped files to be saved as "[OnlyName].zip" . If the filename is "test.txt", then the zipped file would be "test.zip".) Use the Zip Advanced built-in script to zip multiple files together, and/or apply a password.
Use Relative Subdirectories - When selected, and if one or more source elements have the "Include Subdirectories" option selected, files found in subdirectories of the source folder will be uploaded to the same subdirectory they were found in on the destination host.
Create Directories if Necessary - If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to create the directory named in "Path" (or the relative subdirectory if "Use Relative Subdirectories" is enabled) if it does not exist. Otherwise, if the server directory does not exist, the transfer fails.
Use Default Connect Timeout - Gives the option to override the Connect Timeout setting for the specified host and set a different value. If this option is not checked, MOVEit Automation will use the value entered in the Connect Timeout field. The Connect Timeout setting specifies how many seconds MOVEit Automation will wait when attempting to connect to the host.
Use Default Data Timeout - Gives the option to override the Data Timeout setting for the specified host and set a different value. If this option is not checked, MOVEit Automation will use the value entered in the Data Timeout field. The Data Timeout setting specifies how many seconds MOVEit Automation will wait when sending data to or receiving data from the host.
Use Default Retry Count - Gives the option to override the Retry Count setting for the specified host and set a different value. If this option is not checked, MOVEit Automation will use the value entered in the Retry Count field. The Retry Count setting specifies how many times MOVEit Automation will attempt a step if it fails.
Use Default Retry Timeout - Gives the option to override the Retry Timeout setting for the specified host and set a different value. If this option is not checked, MOVEit Automation will use the value entered in the Retry Timeout field. The Retry Timeout setting specifies how many seconds MOVEit Automation will wait between retry attempts of a step.
Specialized Destination Options:
Optional Note (MOVEit Transfer servers only) - The comment to associate with files uploaded to this destination. This note will appear in the Web interface to MOVEit Transfer when the user is viewing details of a file.
Sign On with Default Username (MOVEit Transfer, FTP, and SSH servers only) - If checked, tells the program to sign on with the username and password configured in the host. If not checked, tells the program to use the username and password specified in the Username and Password boxes. In the case of FTP servers, this also applies to the little-used Account field. These fields may contain macro references.
Use Default Server Transfer Type (FTP servers only) - If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the transfer type configured in the host. If not checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the type (ASCII vs. Binary) selected.
Use Default FTP Transfer Mode (FTP servers only) - If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the transfer mode configured in the host. If not checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the mode (Active vs. Passive) selected. Passive is generally preferred, but not all servers support passive mode.
Transfer - Reuse SSL Session for Data Connections(FTP SSL servers) - If checked, forces data connections to use the same SSL session as the existing control connection, which overrides the default unchecked setting on the Hosts Advanced options configurations. This allows you to comply with partner server settings that require reuse of an SSL session for data connections.
Use Default XSHA1 Setting (FTP servers only) - If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the XSHA1 setting configured in the host. If not checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the settings value selected.
Additional commands to execute before transfer (FTP servers only) - "quote" commands to send to the server before each file is uploaded. This is in addition to the per-connection before-each-file "quote" commands specified in the host configuration. Macros may be used in this field.
Additional commands to execute after transfer (FTP servers only) - "quote" commands to send to the server after each file is uploaded. This is in addition to the per-connection after-each-file "quote" commands specified in the host configuration. Macros may be used in this field.
Use Default Blind Upload (FTP servers only) - If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the "blind uploads" setting configured in the host. If not checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the mode selected. This setting is intended for unusual servers that have problematic implementations of commands like CWD and LIST commands.
Sign On with Default Client Key (SSH servers only) - If checked, causes the public key defined in the host configuration to be used for authentication. (If no public key is configured, then public key authentication will not be used.) If unchecked, operators may choose an alternate public key using the "..." button. Most SSH servers require either a password or a client key; a few require both.
Sign On with Default Client Cert (MOVEit Transfer and FTP servers only) - If checked, causes the SSL client certificate defined in the host to be used when connecting to the host. (If no client certificate is configured, then none will be used.) If unchecked, operators may choose an alternate certificate using the "..." button. See SSL Client Certificates.
Use Default File Attribute Settings (SSH servers only) – If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the File Attribute settings configured in the host. If unchecked, causes MOVEit Automation to apply the specified UNIX-style file attributes to a file after a successful upload. This setting only affects hosts that are based on UNIX-like file systems.
Use Default UNC Transfer Type (Share hosts only) – If checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the Use Windows CopyFile API setting configured in the host. If not checked, causes MOVEit Automation to use the selected Use Windows CopyFile API setting. By default, MOVEit Automation uses the Windows CopyFileEx function to upload files to UNC shares. Under certain conditions, the performance of this function can potentially suffer, especially when transferring large files. If bad performance is being experienced when uploading files to this UNC host, deselecting the Use Windows CopyFile API for UNC Transfers setting may help remedy the situation.