MessageWay Translation sends a file to a MessageWay server for translation or data format conversion.
The resulting output files are added to the list of files to process, which typically means they are sent to one or more destinations, depending on the task's configuration. The original input file is ignored, which means that the task will do no further processing on it, and it will not be sent to task destinations.
Depending on the input file and the translation rules configured on the MessageWay server, a single input file might result in multiple output files. If no processing rules match the input file, or if errors occur, no output files might be created.
The MessageWay translation engine is very powerful, and the various EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) standards governing data format are complex. For detailed information on how to set up a MessageWay server for translation, see the translation-related MessageWay manuals, such as MessageWay Translator Workbench User's Guide and Reference
For more information about the script itself, see the topic Common Applications - MessageWay Translation.
Input Parameters
Note: if you use SSL, you must specify the certificate fingerprint of the MessageWay server in MWayConn_SSLFingerprint. If the server is on the same computer as MOVEit Automation, you can safely specify False here and avoid having to know the certificate's fingerprint.
True: No data files are returned. Instead, the exception report files are returned.
False (default) Only data files are returned. If False and exceptions do occur, you must look up the exception reports directly through MessageWay.
Debugging Parameters
The following parameters are rarely used, and are primarily used during product development.
Output Parameters
Note: if the report is too long to fit in a task parameter, it might be truncated.
Error handling
This script returns error 5300 if the translation takes place, but returns one of the following error statuses:
When running a Traditional task, MOVEit Automation regards a script returning error 5300 as a successful process, which, depending on circumstances, might not be the desired behavior.
For maximum flexibility, the best practice is to use this script with Advanced rather than Traditional tasks. This is especially recommended if you set MWayConn_ExceptionsInsteadOfData to True, because in this case, if translation exceptions occur, the output from the task consists of report files rather than data files.
If you want to send report files to a different destination, using an Advanced Task and checking for a process error code of 5300 is recommended.
See also Advanced Topics - MessageWay CLI.