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Files are decrypted in MOVEit Automation by using Process steps that refer to built-in script "PGP Decrypt". This script does not require any parameters.

Configuring the Process

  1. To add a process step that decrypts a file before sending it to its destination, right-click the task name and choose Add Process...
  2. Choose "PGP Decrypt."

    To decrypt a file, you must have a private key corresponding to the public key that was used to encrypt the file. MOVEit Automation will automatically search for a matching key in your PGP keyring. If there is no matching key, the process will fail with an appropriate error message.

  3. If the original files had a file extension such as ".pgp" to indicate that they were encrypted, you may wish to save the decrypted version of the file under a name without that extension. You can do this by configuring the destination. Uncheck "Use Original File Name(s)" and enter [OnlyName] as the FileName.