This tab allows you to choose which database engine to use, and to select options specific to that database engine:
If you choose Use MySQL, you can change these settings:
DSN. The ODBC Data Source Name of the database. There is rarely a need to change this from the default of "micstats".
MySQL root password. The password of the "root" user in the MySQL database. This is stored encrypted in the registry, and is used only by the install program. The previous value is not displayed in the dialog box when the program starts--not even masked by *'s--for security reasons.
If you choose Use Microsoft SQL Server, you can change these settings:
Host: The hostname of the SQL Server.
Instance: The name of the SQL Server "instance". This is usually empty, meaning the default instance.
Database: The name of the database. This is nearly always "micstats".
Use Windows Integrated Authentication. This causes MOVEit Automation to authenticate to SQL Server using the credentials associated with the MOVEit Automation service. These credentials are shown on the radio button; for instance, "(.\micsvc)" means the local Windows user micsvc (as opposed to a domain user). The SQL Server must have a login with the same name, associated with a Windows username of the same name.
Use SQL Server Authentication. This causes MOVEit Automation to authenticate to SQL Server using the specified SQL login and password. The password is stored encrypted in the local registry. These credentials must exist on the SQL Server, and there must be a corresponding user in the micstats database on that server. Typically these are created during creation of the database, and usually do not need to be changed.
Test DB Connection. Click this button to test whether you can connect to the database using the specified credentials.