NOTE: You must use the VB-Admin administrator console to do this task. The Permissions feature is not available in the current release of MOVEit Automation Web Admin.
You must be a member of the MOVEit Admin group to add MOVEit Users Groups
Select Settings > Permissions. The Permissions dialog box opens.
Click the Windows Groups tab.
Click Add. The Add User Group dialog opens.
Provide the following information:
Name: Provide a name for the new group. To be recognized as a MOVEit Automation user group, the name must begin with MOVEIt Users
Add Group to: Select a radio buton.
Click OK. The group name appears in the list of groups on the Windows Groups tab..
When the group is first created, it has no members and no permissions. To add members and assign permisisons, you must edit the group.
In the list, select the group name and click Edit. The Permissions - MOVEit Users<group-name> dialog box opens.
In the top half of the dialog box, add new or existing users as follows:
To add an existing user to the group: Click Add. The Add New Group Member dialog box opens. Optionally select a different domain. From the list, select the user, and click OK.
To create a new account and add it to the group, click Create. Optionally select a different domain. Enter the user's credentials and an optional description, and click OK.