CvtCatalog.vbs - Performs simple XML processing against a file read line-by-line.
Custom Errors.vbs - Example of how to generate custom error codes and messages from a script.
FixLen Record In.vbs - Reads in a file that has fixed-length lines, parses it, totals a few columns of numbers, and generates an exception report. Built to work with the files created by FixLen Record Out.vbs
FixLen Record Out.vbs - Randomly generates fixed length data sets to be consumed by FixLen Record Out.vbs
Reverse File.vbs - Reads in a file and writes out the complete contents backwards. (for example, bluefox becomes xofeulb)
StripLF.vbs - Removes newlines from a file.
Task Groups.vbs - Overwrites a file with the name of the task that is running, and the list of task groups the task belongs to.