Audit reports include information about commands and configuration changes executed against MOVEit Automation.
Available report columns are:
- Log Time: Date and time the entry was logged
- Node: MOVEit Automation failover node number
- S.Ver: MOVEit Automation server version
- C.Name: Client agent name
- C.Ver: Client agent version
- Action: What command, change, etc. action was attempted
- Target Type: Type of entity (e.g., task, host, etc.) affected (may be none)
- Target ID: Numeric ID of entity affected (may be none)
- Target Name: Name of entity affected (may be none)
- Log ID: Log entry's unique, numeric ID
- Status: Whether or not the attempt succeeded
- User: Name of user who initiated command, change, etc.
- IP Address: Location from which command, change, etc. was initiated
- Status Code: Numeric error code (or 0 if no error)
- Status Message: Error or status message
- Additional Info: "Yes" if additional info about this entry is available