These fields define your partner's side of the file transfer process.
Name/Email Address - The name by which the partner will be known. This identifies the partner within the file transfer process. For AS1 hosts, this identifier must be an email address, and will be the address to which files are sent.
Certificate - The public portion of the SSL certificate used by the partner. This certificate is used to encrypt files to the partner and verify messages signed by the partner.
Encryption Algorithm - The symmetric encryption algorithm used for encrypting files. The algorithm must be agreed upon by both sides of the file transfer process. Supported algorithms are 3DES, DES, AES, AESCBC192, AESCBC256, and RC2. None disables encryption of files.
Compression Format - The format used to automatically compress files. The format must be agreed upon by both sides of the file transfer process. The only supported format is ZLib. None disables the compression of files.
EDI Data Type - The tag used to describe the format of the data. This tag is placed in the outbound message and applies to sending only. In most cases, the default of application/edi-x12 should be used. However, some recipients prefer the more generic application/octet-stream. This tag does not affect the actual data bytes that are sent.