POP3 Server - The hostname or IP address of the POP3 email server from which AS1 messages will be retrieved.
Secure Connection - The SSL connection type to use when connecting to the POP3 server. Selecting the None option will cause MOVEit Automation to connect insecurely to the server. Selecting Explicit will cause MOVEit Automation to connect insecurely to the server and then request that a secure connection be negotiated before continuing. Selecting Implicit will cause MOVEit Automation to connect securely to the server.
Ignore Cert Errors - When this option is checked, problems with the POP3 server's SSL certificate, such as a lack of trust or a name that does not match the host name, will be ignored.
SSL Client Cert - The SSL client certificate that should be used when establishing a secure connection to the POP3 server. If "- None -" is selected, no client certificate will be used.
Username - The username that MOVEit Automation should use to authenticate to the POP3 server with.
Password - The password that MOVEit Automation should use to authenticate to the POP3 server with.
Delete messages older than X days - Causes MOVEit Automation to delete messages on the POP3 server that are older than the indicated number of days. The default value is 7.