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What's New

The following new features and improvements were added to MOVEit Automation 2019.1.

System Requirements update

The up-to-date system requirements to ensure MOVEit Automation's correct operation are detailed in System Requirements.

Groups and Permissions

Establishing permissions for User Groups within Resource Groups enables you to control user access to resources. Resources are grouped to create Resource Groups. User Groups are added to Resource Groups, with permissions applied to User Groups to provide access to the resources. For more information, see Groups and Permissions.

User Groups are defined outside of MOVEit Automation as either Domain User Groups or Local Window Users Groups.

In earlier versions, non-administrative users who were members of a group with "MOVEit-Users-" prepending the group name could sign in to MOVEit Automation. Non-administrative users must now be members of a user group that is linked to a Resource Group to sign in to MOVEit Automation.

Multi-Server Access

Web Admin users with two or more configured Web Admin servers with the same credentials can use multi-server access. Users can switch between configured servers, and open more than one server in additional tabs or windows. The server is identified by the server name at the top of the page and the UI tab name. For more information, see Multi-Server Access.

Specify Web Admin start page

Users can select a specific start page that will be their primary view when Web Admin is launched. For more information, see Edit Home Page Preference.


The ZipAdvanced and UnZipAdvanced built-in scripts were modified to use the 7-Zip utility in place of the insecure and deprecated Info-Zip utilities zip.exe and unzip.exe.

New REST Resources

The following REST APIs were added to MOVEit Automation 2019.1 to control access to resources for non-administrative users through Resource and User groups:

Interactive documentation for the REST API is available at the following URL: https://<hostname>:<port>/swagger-ui.html

Where <hostname> and <port> are the values that were provided when MOVEit Automation Web Admin was installed on your system.

For more information, see Ipswitch MOVEit Automation - API

Improved performance

The loading time of the Tasks and Watched Tasks widgets were improved.

Task logs

As tasks are deleted their associated task logs are deleted. On startup of the MOVEit Automation server service, the server deletes task logs for tasks that no longer exist.

Dashboard polling interval

The dashboard polling interval for File Activity, Task Summary, and Watched Task was increased from 10 seconds to 120 seconds for File Activity and Task Summary, and 60 seconds for Watched Task.

MySQL version update

The MySQL version was updated to 8.0.16 for new installations and upgrades.

MyODBC connector update

In association with the MySQL server update, the MyODBC connector was updated to 8.0.16. This includes OpenSSL 1.0.2r which addresses vulnerabilities.