1. Overview
MOVEit Automation provides a set of RESTful APIs (application programming interfaces) to allow users to access resources on a MOVEit Automation server. These APIs can be used to integrate MOVEit Automation with other applications, automate creation of MOVEit Automation resources (such as hosts or tasks), or create custom user interfaces.
RESTful APIs are accessed via http/s and do not require installing any additional packages on the client machine making them more flexible than COM or Java based APIs.
The following resources are available through the MOVEit Automation REST API:
Resource | Description |
Request or refresh an authorization token. |
Get MOVEit Automation application information. |
Download or upload an unencrypted copy of the MOVEit Automation config.xml file. |
List all custom scripts or get a specified custom script. |
List all date lists or get a specified date list. |
List global parameters or get a specified global parameter. |
List or get a host. |
List all PGP keys or get a specified PGP key. |
Generate reports for tasks runs, file activity, or audit logs. |
List or get a Resource Group. List or get an ACL. Add, delete, or update an existing ACL. |
List all SSH keys or get a specified SSH key. |
List all SSL certs or get a specified SSL cert. |
List all standard scripts or get a specified standard script. |
List task groups or get a specified task group. |
Delete a task, list tasks, list running tasks, get the task scheduler status (2020.1, or later), get a task, add a new task, update an existing task, start or stop a task, and start or stop the scheduler. List all task logs or get a specified task log. |
List or get a User Group. |
Live Swagger UI interactive documentation. |
2. Getting Started
You can call the MOVEit Automation APIs using a variety of tools or programming languages. This documentation provides an overview of using curl or swagger to create and execute APIs.
2.1. Pre-requisites
Before you begin using the MOVEit Automation RESTful API, you must install the MOVEit Automation Web Admin server. APIs are only available through the Web Admin server.
To use the REST APIs, you need the following information:
The hostname or IP address of the Web Admin server
The username and password for an authorized account on MOVEit Automation server
2.2. REST API using the cURL command-line utility
This section provides an example of using the REST API and the cURL command line utility to authenticate with MOVEit Automation and retrieve the list of tasks.
When issuing requests against a non-production host running a self-signed SSL certificate, use curls -k option to bypass SSL verification.
2.2.1. Request an access token
To use the MOVEit Automation RESTful API you must request an access token. The access token is used in subsequent API calls for authorization.
To request a token, enter the curl POST command:
curl -X POST "https://<your-webadmin-server>/api/v1/token" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "grant_type=password&username=<username>&password=<password>"
<your-webadmin-server> is the hostname or IP address of the MOVEit Automation Web Admin.
<username> is the username of the account with which you want to log on
<password> is the account password
Example Output
"access_token": "eyJh…..8VOY",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 900,
"refresh_token": "eyJh…..H0NY"
2.2.2. Example: List tasks
To get a list of tasks, run the GET method on the api/v1/tasks resource using the authorization token.
curl -X GET "https://<your-webadmin-server>/api/v1/tasks" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>"
<your-webadmin-server> is the hostname or IP address of the Web Admin server
<access_token> is the value that was returned when you requested an access token.
Example Output
"paging": {
"page": 1,
"perPage": 2147483647,
"totalItems": 125,
"totalPages": 1
"sorting": [
"sortField": "Name",
"sortDirection": "asc"
"items": [
"Group": [],
"ID": "226676691",
"Name": "!TaylorImportTest",
"Renamed": false,
"Info": {
"Description": "\n\t\t\t\t",
"Notes": "\n\t\t\t\t"
"steps": [
"Process": {
"Parameters": {
"Certs_Password": {
"value": "",
"DisplayValue": "(suppressed)"
"Run": "PerFile",
"ScriptID": "104001",
"IsDest": 0,
"ID": "23"
"Process": {
"Run": "PerFile",
"ScriptID": "100402",
"IsDest": 0,
"ID": "11"
"Active": 0,
"AR": 0,
"CacheNames": "random",
"NextEID": 12,
"TT": "",
"UseDefStateCaching": 1
2.2.3. Example: Run a task
To run a task run, enter the curl POST command:
curl -X POST "https://<your-webadmin-server>/api/v1/tasks/<taskId>/start" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <access_token>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{ \"additionalProp1\": \"string\", \"additionalProp2\": \"string\", \"additionalProp3\": \"string\"}"
<your-webadmin-server> is the hostname or IP address of the Web Admin server
<taskId> is the ID of a task
<access_token> is the value that was returned when you requested an access token.
Example Output
"nominalStart": "2018-03-13 12:21:43.92"
2.3. REST API using Swagger interactive documentation
To interact with MOVEit Automation via a RESTful interface, access the interactive documentation that is included with the MOVEit Automation Web Admin.
The documentation specifies the available resources in the REST API and the operations that the API client can call. The documentation also specifies the list of operation parameters, including the parameter name and type, information about the parameter values and whether the parameters are optional or required.
2.3.1. Accessing the Swagger interactive documentation for the REST API
Interactive documentation for the REST API is available at the following URL:
Where <your-webadmin-server>
is the value that was provided when MOVEit Automation Web Admin was installed on your system.
2.3.2. Accessing the API Authorization Token
To access and execute any REST API that is defined in the interactive documentation, you must request an authorization token using your MOVEit Automation Server login details or a valid refresh token.
Select Authorization Token API in the Select a spec list.
Click Authorization Token > POST /api/v1/token.
Click Try it out.
Enter the following:
is "password" -
(If the server_host value is not specified, the first configured MOVEit Automation server is used.) -
Click Execute.
The call returns an access and a refresh token. Make note of the access and refresh tokens to access the application REST API.
2.3.3. Applying the REST API Authorization Token
To use the API for performing operations on MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token.
Select MOVEit Automation REST API in the Select a spec list.
Click Authorize.
In the Value field of the Available authorizations window enter the following:
Bearer <access_token>
is the value that was returned when you called the Authorization Token API. -
Click Authorize > Done.
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Note: The default expiry times for the access token and refresh token are 5 and 15 minutes respectively. To continue executing calls after the expiry time, you must get a new access token using the Authorization Token API.
3. Ipswitch MOVEit Automation - Authorization Token API
3.1. Overview
This API is used to get, refresh or revoke an authorization token. The authorization token is then used in MOVEit Automation REST API calls to validate the user access.
3.1.1. Version information
Version : V1
3.1.2. URI scheme
Host : localhost
BasePath : /
3.1.3. Tags
Authorization Token : Authorization Token API
3.2. Paths
3.2.1. Request or refresh an authorization token
POST /api/v1/token
Use this call to request a new authorization token or refresh an authorization token.
To request a new authorization token, enter the following content.
If the server_host value is not specified, the first configured MOVEit Automation server is used.
The call returns an authorization token that contains an access token and a refresh token in the Response body. The default expiry times for the access token and refresh token are 5 and 15 minutes respectively.
To refresh a token, enter the following content.
The call returns new access and refresh tokens.
Make note of the access and refresh tokens to access the application REST API.
No additional authentication is required for this call.
The request content type is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
FormData |
grant_type |
The grant or method type required. Valid values are "password" or "refresh_token". |
string |
FormData |
password |
The password for the specified username. Associated with the "password" grant type only. Required. |
string |
FormData |
refresh_token |
Use the refresh token to get a new access token. Associated with the "refresh_token" grant type only. Required. |
string |
FormData |
server_host |
The host name or IP address of the MOVEit Automation server. Associated with the "password" grant type only. Optional. |
string |
FormData |
username |
The username of the user with access rights. Associated with the "password" grant type only. Required. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Authorization Token
3.2.2. Revoke an authorization token
POST /api/v1/token/revoke
Use this call to revoke an access or refresh token.
Revoking a token that is expired or already revoked succeeds without errors.
To enhance security, revoke tokens when the API client is finished using them.
No additional authentication is required for this call.
The request content type is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
FormData |
token |
The access or refresh token to be revoked. Required |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Authorization Token
3.3. Definitions
3.3.1. Authorization Token
Name | Description | Schema |
access_token |
Token used for accessing the application REST API |
string |
expires_in |
The lifetime in seconds of the access token |
integer (int64) |
refresh_token |
Token used for obtaining a new authorization token. Cannot be used to access the application REST API directly. |
string |
token_type |
Type of the access token, case-insensitive. Only "bearer" is supported currently. |
string |
3.3.2. Authorization token error
Name | Description | Schema |
error |
Error code |
string |
error_description |
Description of the error with additional information |
string |
3.3.3. Server Error Message
Name | Description | Schema |
detail |
An explanation specific to this occurrence of the error |
string |
errorCode |
The error code returned from the server |
integer (int32) |
status |
The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the error |
integer (int32) |
title |
A short summary of the error type |
string |
4. Ipswitch MOVEit Automation - REST API
4.1. Overview
The MOVEit Automation REST API accesses resources on the MOVEit Automation Server
4.1.1. Version information
Version : V1
4.1.2. URI scheme
Host : localhost
BasePath : /
4.1.3. Tags
About Info : MOVEit Automation application information API
Config : Config API
Custom Scripts : Custom Scripts API
Date Lists : Date List API
Global Parameters : Global Parameters API
Hosts : Hosts API
PGP Keys : Custom Scripts API
Reports : Reports API
Resource Groups : Resource Groups API
SSH Keys : SSH Keys API
SSL Certificates : SSL Certificates API
Standard Scripts : Standard Scripts API
Task Groups : Task Groups API
Tasks : Tasks API
User Groups : User groups API
4.2. Security
4.2.1. accessToken
Type : apiKey
Name : Authorization
4.3. Paths
4.3.1. Download an unencrypted copy of the MOVEit Automation config.xml file
GET /api/v1/config
This call exports a copy of the MOVEit Automation config.xml file. The response content type is "application/xml" for 200 response code and "application/json" for all other cases.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.2. Upload an unencrypted copy of the MOVEit Automation config.xml file
PUT /api/v1/config
This call imports a copy of the MOVEit Automation config.xml file.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
xmlConfig |
The configuration xml file to import |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.3. List all custom scripts
GET /api/v1/customscripts
This call gets a list of custom scripts based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Custom Scripts
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.4. Get a custom script
GET /api/v1/customscripts/{customScriptId}
This call gets the custom script that is specified by the custom script ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
customScriptId |
The Custom Script ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Custom Scripts
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.5. List all date lists
GET /api/v1/datelists
This call gets a list of date lists based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Date Lists
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.6. Get a date list
GET /api/v1/datelists/{dateListId}
This call gets the date list that is specified by the date list ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
dateListId |
The Date List ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Date Lists
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.7. List global parameters
GET /api/v1/globalparameters
This call gets a list of global parameters based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Global Parameters
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.8. Get global parameter
GET /api/v1/globalparameters/{name}
This call gets a single global parameter that is specified by the case-sensitive global parameter name.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
name |
The Global Parameter Name |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Global Parameters
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.9. List hosts
GET /api/v1/hosts
This call gets a list of hosts based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
type |
A single case-sensitive host type with which to filter. The valid types are FileSystem, FTP, POP3, Share, siLock, SMTP, SSHFTP, AS1, AS2, AS3, and S3. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.10. Get a host
GET /api/v1/hosts/{hostId}
This call gets a single host that is specified by the host ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
hostId |
The Host ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.11. Get MOVEit Automation application information
GET /api/v1/info
This call gets the MOVEit Automation Web Admin and Server version, licensing, and time zone information.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
About Info
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.12. List all PGP keys
GET /api/v1/pgpkeys
This call gets a list of PGP keys based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default the results are sorted by ID in ascending order.
When the "uid" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching uids. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
uid |
The search uid (used instead of name for PGP keys). The uid is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
PGP Keys
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.13. Get a PGP key
GET /api/v1/pgpkeys/{pgpKeyId}
This call gets the PGP key that is specified by the PGP key ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
pgpKeyId |
The PGP Key ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
PGP Keys
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.14. Generate an Audit report
POST /api/v1/reports/audit
This call generates an audit log report based on the input values and the current user’s permissions.
To get the same result as from the Web Admin UI, use the predicate predicate='Status=="Failure"'
and orderBy !LogTime
in the input.
The language used to define the predicate in the report query is summarized as follows.
Logical operators (lowercase and case-sensitive):
AND operator:
OR operator:
By default, the AND operator is evaluated before any OR operators. To change the precedence, use a parenthesized expression to yield the contained expression.
A comparison consists of a case-insensitive column name, an argument (a single value or comma-separated multiple values in parenthesis), and a comparison operator. Columns are defined in the report record of the response model.
Comparison operators:
Equal to:
Not equal to:
Less than:
Less than or equal to:
Greater than operator:
Greater than or equal to:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=in=(Task1,Task2)
Not in:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=out=(Task1,Task2)
NOTE: Use percent sign (%
) as multiple-character wildcard, and underscore () as single-character wildcard; prefix with backslash (
) to escape%
A string value must be single ('
) or double-quoted ("
) unless it does not contain any reserved characters or spaces. The reserved characters are "
, '
, (
, )
, ;
, ,
, =
, !
, ~
, <
, >
. To use both single and double quotes inside a quoted argument, you must escape one of them using a backslash (\)
. If you use the backslash (\)
reserved character, you must double the backslash (\\)
. Backslash only has a special meaning inside a quoted argument.
Predicate examples:
A sample JSON input that queries status is either Success
or Failure
, and task name contains hello"%_\world
, with special characters escaped properly.
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like=\"%hello\\\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%\"",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
or use single quote for predicate,
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like='%hello\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%'",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
The report result sorting order is specified by the orderBy input field with comma-separated case-insensitive column names. The column name can be prefixed with !
for descending order.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
Query input |
The report query input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.15. Generate a File Activity report
POST /api/v1/reports/fileactivity
This call generates a report for file activities based on the input values and the current user’s permissions.
To get the same result as from the Web Admin UI, use the predicate StatusCode=out=("5000","5010")
and orderBy !LogStamp
in the input.
The language used to define the predicate in the report query is summarized as follows.
Logical operators (lowercase and case-sensitive):
AND operator:
OR operator:
By default, the AND operator is evaluated before any OR operators. To change the precedence, use a parenthesized expression to yield the contained expression.
A comparison consists of a case-insensitive column name, an argument (a single value or comma-separated multiple values in parenthesis), and a comparison operator. Columns are defined in the report record of the response model.
Comparison operators:
Equal to:
Not equal to:
Less than:
Less than or equal to:
Greater than operator:
Greater than or equal to:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=in=(Task1,Task2)
Not in:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=out=(Task1,Task2)
NOTE: Use percent sign (%
) as multiple-character wildcard, and underscore () as single-character wildcard; prefix with backslash (
) to escape%
A string value must be single ('
) or double-quoted ("
) unless it does not contain any reserved characters or spaces. The reserved characters are "
, '
, (
, )
, ;
, ,
, =
, !
, ~
, <
, >
. To use both single and double quotes inside a quoted argument, you must escape one of them using a backslash (\)
. If you use the backslash (\)
reserved character, you must double the backslash (\\)
. Backslash only has a special meaning inside a quoted argument.
Predicate examples:
A sample JSON input that queries status is either Success
or Failure
, and task name contains hello"%_\world
, with special characters escaped properly.
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like=\"%hello\\\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%\"",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
or use single quote for predicate,
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like='%hello\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%'",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
The report result sorting order is specified by the orderBy input field with comma-separated case-insensitive column names. The column name can be prefixed with !
for descending order.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
Query input |
The report query input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.16. Generate a Task Runs report
POST /api/v1/reports/taskruns
This call generates a report for task run history based on the input values and the current user’s permissions.
To get the same result as from the Web Admin UI, use the predicate Status=in=("Success","Failure")
and orderBy !StartTime
in the input.
The language used to define the predicate in the report query is summarized as follows.
Logical operators (lowercase and case-sensitive):
AND operator:
OR operator:
By default, the AND operator is evaluated before any OR operators. To change the precedence, use a parenthesized expression to yield the contained expression.
A comparison consists of a case-insensitive column name, an argument (a single value or comma-separated multiple values in parenthesis), and a comparison operator. Columns are defined in the report record of the response model.
Comparison operators:
Equal to:
Not equal to:
Less than:
Less than or equal to:
Greater than operator:
Greater than or equal to:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=in=(Task1,Task2)
Not in:
NOTE: Requires brackets and at least two elements in the group, example:TaskName=out=(Task1,Task2)
NOTE: Use percent sign (%
) as multiple-character wildcard, and underscore () as single-character wildcard; prefix with backslash (
) to escape%
A string value must be single ('
) or double-quoted ("
) unless it does not contain any reserved characters or spaces. The reserved characters are "
, '
, (
, )
, ;
, ,
, =
, !
, ~
, <
, >
. To use both single and double quotes inside a quoted argument, you must escape one of them using a backslash (\)
. If you use the backslash (\)
reserved character, you must double the backslash (\\)
. Backslash only has a special meaning inside a quoted argument.
Predicate examples:
A sample JSON input that queries status is either Success
or Failure
, and task name contains hello"%_\world
, with special characters escaped properly.
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like=\"%hello\\\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%\"",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
or use single quote for predicate,
"predicate": "Status=in=(\"Success\",\"Failure\");TaskName=like='%hello\"\\\\%\\\\_\\\\world%'",
"orderBy": "!StartTime",
"maxCount": 100
The report result sorting order is specified by the orderBy input field with comma-separated case-insensitive column names. The column name can be prefixed with !
for descending order.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
Query input |
The report query input |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.17. List resource groups
GET /api/v1/resourcegroups
This call gets a list of resource groups based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.18. Add a new ACL
POST /api/v1/resourcegroups/acls
This call adds a new access control list (ACL).
To create an ACL, enter the new ACL details or use an existing ACL as a template.
To use an existing ACL as a template, complete the following steps.
Call an existing ACL using a GET call.
Copy the ACL details into a POST call to create a new ACL.
Edit the ACL parameters as required.
The new ACL is created with a unique ACLID.
Default values are applied to unspecified ACL fields.
By default, all ACLs have view permissions for all resources.
The TaskEditExisting permission cannot be disabled if the TaskAddEditDelete permission is enabled.
The following sample content is for a new ACL:
"UserGroupName": "TEST-DOMAIN\\MOVEit Users-Group test",
"ResourceGroupName": "Rest resource group",
"Permissions": {
"TaskRun": 0,
"TaskEditExisting": 0,
"TaskAddEditDelete": 0,
"HostAddEditDelete": 0,
"PGPAddEditDelete": 0,
"SSHAddEditDelete": 0,
"SSLAddEditDelete": 0,
"ScriptAddEditDelete": 0
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
acl |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.19. List access control lists
GET /api/v1/resourcegroups/acls
This call gets a list of ACLs based on the request parameters.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "userGroupName" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of ACLs matching user group name. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
When the "resourceGroupName" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of ACLs matching a resource group name. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
resourceGroupName |
The name of the resource group to search for. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
userGroupName |
The name of the user group to search for. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.20. Get access control list
GET /api/v1/resourcegroups/acls/{aclId}
This call gets the ACL that is specified by the acl id.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
aclId |
The ACL ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.21. Update existing ACL
PUT /api/v1/resourcegroups/acls/{aclId}
This call updates existing ACL.
To update the ACL, the ACLID, UserGroupName and ResourceGroupName in the request must match the ACLID, UserGroupName and ResourceGroupName in the ACL, or they can be skipped from the request.
The TaskEditExisting permission cannot be disabled if the TaskAddEditDelete permission is enabled.
Update applying only on the specified fields, skipped fields stay unmodified.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
aclId |
The ACL ID |
string |
Body |
aclId |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.22. Delete an ACL
DELETE /api/v1/resourcegroups/acls/{aclId}
This call deletes a single ACL specified by the ACLID.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
aclId |
The ACL ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.23. Get a resource group
GET /api/v1/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}
This call gets the resource group that is specified by the resource group name.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
resourceGroupName |
The Resource Group Name |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Resource Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.24. List all SSH keys
GET /api/v1/sshkeys
This call gets a list of SSH keys based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
SSH Keys
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.25. Get SSH key
GET /api/v1/sshkeys/{sshKeyId}
This call gets a single SSH key that is specified by the SSH key ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
sshKeyId |
The SSH Key ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
SSH Keys
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.26. List all SSL Certificates
GET /api/v1/sslcerts
This call gets a list of ssl certificates based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by issuer in ascending order, regardless of whether the "issuer" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "issuer" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of certificates with matching issuers. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
issuer |
The search issuer (used instead of name for SSL certificates). The issuer is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
SSL Certificates
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.27. Get SSL Certificate
GET /api/v1/sslcerts/{sslCertificateThumbprint}
This call gets a single SSL certificate that is specified by the SSL cert thumbprint.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
sslCertificateThumbprint |
The SSL Certificate Thumbprint |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
SSL Certificates
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.28. List all standard scripts
GET /api/v1/standardscripts
This call gets a list of standard scripts based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Standard Scripts
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.29. Get a standard script
GET /api/v1/standardscripts/{standardScriptId}
This call gets the standard script that is specified by the standard script ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
standardScriptId |
The Standard Script ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Standard Scripts
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.30. List task groups (Deprecated. Use Resource Groups API)
GET /api/v1/taskgroups
operation.deprecated |
This call gets a list of task groups based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Task Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.31. Get a task group (Deprecated. Use Resource Groups API)
GET /api/v1/taskgroups/{taskGroupName}
operation.deprecated |
This call gets the task group that is specified by the task group name.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskGroupName |
The Task Group Name |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Task Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.32. Add a new task
POST /api/v1/tasks
This call adds a new traditional task.
To create a traditional task you can enter the relevant new task details or use an existing task as a template.
To use an existing task as a template complete the following steps.
Call an existing task using a GET call.
Copy the task details into a POST call to create a new task.
Edit the task parameters as required.
The new task will be created with a unique ID.
Default values are applied to blank task fields. The validity of dependant configuration items, including hosts, scripts, date lists, and other tasks are checked.
The following is a sample input for a new traditional task:
"Info": {
"Description": "This is a sample task that moves a file from one folder to another at 1:00AM on every Monday.",
"Notes": "Please use this only as a simple template for adding a new task."
"Schedules": {
"Schedule": [
"Days": {
"DayOfWeek": [
"Frequency": {
"Interval": [
"StartTime": "01:00",
"EndTime": "01:00"
"steps": [
"Source": {
"HostID": "0",
"Path": "C:\\Logs",
"Type": "FileSystem",
"DeleteOrig": 1,
"DelRename": 1,
"FileMask": "sample.log"
"Process": {
"Run": "PerFile",
"ScriptID": "100401"
"Destination": {
"HostID": "0",
"Path": "C:\\TargetLogs",
"Type": "FileSystem",
"FileName": "[OrigName]",
"OverwriteOrig": 1
"Name": "Sample Task",
"Active": 0
Non-admin users must specify the task group(s) to which the new config item should be added.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Body |
task |
Task |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
201 |
Created |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.33. List tasks
GET /api/v1/tasks
This call gets a list of tasks based on the request parameters and the current userâs permissions.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.34. List running tasks
GET /api/v1/tasks/running
This call lists running tasks based on the request parameters and the current user’s permissions. By default, the results are sorted by name, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and nominal start in ascending order and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Comma-separated, case-sensitive top-level Task field names. Invalid field names will be ignored |
string |
Query |
name |
The case-insensitive task search name. |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (from 1) |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of tasks per page |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.35. Get scheduler status
GET /api/v1/tasks/scheduler
This call returns the scheduler status.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.36. Start/Stop scheduler
PUT /api/v1/tasks/scheduler/{startStop}
This call enables or disables the task scheduler.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
startStop |
Valid values are "start" or "stop". |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.37. Get a task
GET /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}
This call gets a single task that is specified by task ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
The Task ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.38. Update an existing task
PUT /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}
This call updates an existing traditional task.
To update an existing task,
Call the task that you want to update using a GET call.
Edit the task parameters as required.
Use the edited task details as the request body for this call.
The value of ID
field in the request body will be replaced by the task ID provided in the URL path when they are different.
Default values are applied to null task fields. The validity of dependant configuration items, including hosts, scripts, date lists, and other tasks are checked.
Please note that not all APIs are available now for listing the above config items, you can get their IDs from the Web Admin UI instead. For example, to locate the ID for a script, open the script in the Web Admin UI, SCRIPTS > <script_name> > General > ID.
Value for Group
field in the request will be ignored. Groups of a task cannot be changed after the task is created.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
The Task ID |
string |
Body |
task |
Task |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.39. Delete a task
DELETE /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}
This call deletes a single task specified by the task ID.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
Task ID |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 |
No Content |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.40. List task logs
GET /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/log
This call lists the task logs relevant to the specified task ID.
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
Task ID |
integer (int64) |
Query |
fields |
Comma-separated, case-sensitive top-level Task field names. Invalid field names will be ignored |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (from 1) |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of tasks per page |
integer (int32) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.41. Get a task log
GET /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/log/{taskLogId}
This call gets a single task log that is specified by task log ID.
If the resource does not exist or the user is not permitted to access the resource, the call returns a 404 error.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
Task ID |
integer (int64) |
Path |
taskLogId |
The Task Log ID |
integer (int64) |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.42. Start a task
POST /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/start
This call starts a task.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
The Task ID |
string |
Body |
params |
The optional parameters consist of name value pairs posted in the request body. |
< string, string > map |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.43. Stop a task
POST /api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/stop
This call stops a running task.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
taskId |
The Task ID |
string |
Body |
nominalStart |
The nominal start time of the task. It must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.SS. |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
No Content |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.44. List user groups
GET /api/v1/usergroups
This call gets a list of user groups based on the request parameters.
By default, the results are sorted by name in ascending order, regardless of whether the "name" parameter is specified in the request parameters, and is not case-sensitive.
When the "name" parameter is specified, the call returns a list of matching names. The results are not case-sensitive.
The matching rules are described below.
text - Exact match
* - All
** - All
* text * - Contains "text"
text * - Starts with "text"
* text - Ends with "text"
You can specify which top-level fields to include by entering a list of comma-separated case-sensitive field names in the "fields" parameter. Available field names are listed in the model of the resource.
Pagination information is provided for browsing the result. The following are the valid value combinations. Invalid combinations return a 422 error.
page | perPage | response |
All objects in the result set, up to 2 147 483 647 objects |
Positive |
Positive |
Objects on the specified page of the result set |
Positive |
Objects on the first page of the result set, with given page size |
Positive |
Objects on a specified page of the result set, with default page size |
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
fields |
Top-level, comma-separated case-sensitive field names. Invalid field names are ignored. |
string |
Query |
name |
The search name. The name is case-insensitive. The wildcard character |
string |
Query |
page |
Page number (start at page 1). |
integer (int32) |
Query |
perPage |
Number of items per page. |
integer (int32) |
Query |
type |
Search user groups by type. The types are 'local' or 'remote'. If the parameter is not specified, by default 'local' user groups are listed. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
User Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.3.45. Get user group
GET /api/v1/usergroups/{userGroupName}
This call gets a single user group that is specified by the case-sensitive user group name.
Parameter 'type' defines if a user group is local or remote.
Access to this API is restricted to users that belong to the âMOVEit Adminâ Windows user group.
To use the API to perform operations on the MOVEit Automation server, you must enter a valid Authorization Token in the following format.
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>
The authorization token is sent with each request.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Path |
userGroupName |
The User Group Name |
string |
Query |
type |
Search user groups by type. The types are 'local' or 'remote'. If the parameter is not specified, by default 'local' user groups are listed. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
OK |
400 |
Bad Request |
401 |
Authentication Error |
403 |
Authorization Error |
404 |
Not Found |
409 |
Conflict |
422 |
Invalid Input |
500 |
Internal Server Error |
User Groups
Type | Name | Scopes |
apiKey |
global |
4.4. Definitions
4.4.1. AS1 Host
Name | Description | Schema |
ClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
ClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
ClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
DecryptCertSHA1 |
Decryption certificate SHA1 |
string |
DecryptCertStore |
Decryption certificate store |
string |
DecryptCertSubject |
Decryption certificate subject |
string |
DefCompressionFormat |
Default compression format |
enum (None, ZLib) |
DefEDIDataType |
Default EDI data type |
enum (application/edi-x12, application/octet-stream, application/edi-consent, application/edifact, application/xml) |
DefEncryptionAlgorithm |
Default encryption algorithm |
enum (None, 3DES, DES, RC2, AES, AESCBC192, AESCBC256) |
DefPartnerCertSHA1 |
Default partner certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefPartnerCertStore |
Default partner certificate store |
string |
DefPartnerCertSubject |
Default partner certificate subject |
string |
DefPartnerName |
Default partner name |
string |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefSignatureAlgorithm |
Default signature algorithm |
enum (sha1, md5, sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512) |
DefSigningCertSHA1 |
Default signing certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefSigningCertStore |
Default signing certificate store |
string |
DefSigningCertSubject |
Default signing certificate subject |
string |
DeleteIfNewerThanDays |
Delete if newer than days |
integer (int32) |
DeleteIfOlderThanDays |
Delete if older than days |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
FIPSOnly |
Whether to use FIPS only |
enum (0, 1) |
FirewallHostIP |
Firewall host IP |
string |
FirewallPassword |
Firewall password |
string |
FirewallPort |
Firewall port |
integer (int32) |
FirewallType |
Firewall type |
enum (EMPTY, Tunnel, SOCKS4, SOCKS5) |
FirewallUsername |
Firewall username |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ingnore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
MDNPollCount |
MDN polling count |
integer (int32) |
MDNPollTimeoutSecs |
MDN polling timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
OrgName |
Organization name |
string |
POPPort |
POP port |
integer (int32) |
POPServer |
POP server |
string |
Password |
Password |
string |
PauseRerunSecs |
Pause rerun seconds |
integer (int32) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SMTPAuthMethod |
SMTP authentication method |
enum (None, Auth, CRAM-MD5) |
SMTPPassword |
SMTP password |
string |
SMTPPort |
SMTP port |
integer (int32) |
SMTPServer |
SMTP server |
string |
SMTPUsername |
SMTP username |
string |
SSLStartMode |
SSL start mode |
enum (None, Implicit, Explicit) |
UseSMTPInfo |
Use SMTP information |
enum (0, 1) |
UseSigningCertForDecrypt |
Whether to use signing certificate for decryption |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.2. AS2 Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AS1HostID |
AS1 host ID |
string |
ClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
ClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
ClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
DMZ host ID |
string |
DecryptCertSHA1 |
Decryption certificate SHA1 |
string |
DecryptCertStore |
Decryption certificate store |
string |
DecryptCertSubject |
Decryption certificate subject |
string |
DefCompressionFormat |
Default compression format |
enum (None, ZLib) |
DefEDIDataType |
Default EDI data type |
enum (application/edi-x12, application/octet-stream, application/edi-consent, application/edifact, application/xml) |
DefEncryptionAlgorithm |
Default encryption algorithm |
enum (None, 3DES, DES, RC2, AES, AESCBC192, AESCBC256) |
DefPartnerCertSHA1 |
Default partner certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefPartnerCertStore |
Default partner certificate store |
string |
DefPartnerCertSubject |
Default partner certificate subject |
string |
DefPartnerName |
Default partner name |
string |
DefPartnerURL |
Partner URL |
string |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefSignatureAlgorithm |
Default signature algorithm |
enum (sha1, md5, sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512) |
DefSigningCertSHA1 |
Default signing certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefSigningCertStore |
Default signing certificate store |
string |
DefSigningCertSubject |
Default signing certificate subject |
string |
Desc |
Description |
string |
FIPSOnly |
Whether to use FIPS only |
enum (0, 1) |
FirewallHostIP |
Firewall host IP |
string |
FirewallPassword |
Firewall password |
string |
FirewallPort |
Firewall port |
integer (int32) |
FirewallType |
Firewall type |
enum (EMPTY, Tunnel, SOCKS4, SOCKS5) |
FirewallUsername |
Firewall username |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ignore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
MDNPollCount |
MDN polling count |
integer (int32) |
MDNPollTimeoutSecs |
MDN polling timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
MailFrom |
Mail from |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
OrgName |
Organization name |
string |
Password |
Password |
string |
ProxyPassword |
Proxy password |
string |
ProxyPort |
Proxy port |
integer (int32) |
ProxySSL |
Proxy SSL |
enum (Auto, Always, Never, Tunnel) |
ProxyServer |
Proxy server |
string |
ProxyServerType |
Proxy server type |
enum (None, Default, Specific) |
ProxyUsername |
Proxy username |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SMTPServer |
SMTP server |
string |
UseHTTPAuth |
Use HTTP authentication |
enum (0, 1) |
UseSigningCertForDecrypt |
Whether to use signing certificate for decryption |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.3. AS3 Host
Name | Description | Schema |
ClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
ClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
ClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
DecryptCertSHA1 |
Decryption certificate SHA1 |
string |
DecryptCertStore |
Decryption certificate store |
string |
DecryptCertSubject |
Decryption certificate subject |
string |
DefCompressionFormat |
Default compression format |
enum (None, ZLib) |
DefEDIDataType |
Default EDI data type |
enum (application/edi-x12, application/octet-stream, application/edi-consent, application/edifact, application/xml) |
DefEncryptionAlgorithm |
Default encryption algorithm |
enum (None, 3DES, DES, RC2, AES, AESCBC192, AESCBC256) |
DefPartnerCertSHA1 |
Default partner certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefPartnerCertStore |
Default partner certificate store |
string |
DefPartnerCertSubject |
Default partner certificate subject |
string |
DefPartnerName |
Default partner name |
string |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefSignatureAlgorithm |
Default signature algorithm |
enum (sha1, md5, sha-224, sha-256, sha-384, sha-512) |
DefSigningCertSHA1 |
Default signing certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefSigningCertStore |
Default signing certificate store |
string |
DefSigningCertSubject |
Default signing certificate subject |
string |
Desc |
Description |
string |
FIPSOnly |
Whether to use FIPS only |
enum (0, 1) |
FirewallHostIP |
Firewall host IP |
string |
FirewallPassword |
Firewall password |
string |
FirewallPort |
Firewall port |
integer (int32) |
FirewallType |
Firewall type |
enum (EMPTY, Tunnel, SOCKS4, SOCKS5) |
FirewallUsername |
Firewall username |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ignore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
MDNPollCount |
MDN polling count |
integer (int32) |
MDNPollTimeoutSecs |
MDN polling timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
OrgName |
Organization name |
string |
Passive |
Passive |
enum (0, 1) |
Password |
Password |
string |
PauseRerunSecs |
Pause rerun seconds |
integer (int32) |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
Secure |
How to encrypt the connection |
enum (None, Implicit, Explicit) |
UseSigningCertForDecrypt |
Whether to use signing certificate for decryption |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.4. About Info
Name | Description | Schema |
appBuildNumber |
MOVEit Automation Web Admin build number |
string |
appBuildTimestamp |
MOVEit Automation Web Admin build timestamp |
string |
appVersion |
MOVEit Automation Web Admin version |
string |
centralApiVersion |
MOVEit Automation server API version |
string |
centralHost |
MOVEit Automation server host |
string |
centralVersion |
MOVEit Automation server version |
string |
isAdmin |
Authenticated as admin |
boolean |
license |
Information about licensing |
serverTimezoneInfo |
Information about server timezone |
username |
Username |
string |
4.4.5. Access Control List
Name | Description | Schema |
ACL Id |
string |
Permissions |
Permissions |
ResourceGroupName |
Resource Group Name |
string |
UserGroupName |
User Group Name |
string |
4.4.6. Access Control List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of ACLs |
< Access Control List > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.7. And Type
Name | Description | Schema |
comp |
comp |
< Comp Type > array |
4.4.8. Audit Report
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of audit log records |
< Audit Report Record > array |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.9. Audit Report Record
Name | Description | Schema |
Action |
Action |
string |
AgentBrand |
Agent brand |
string |
AgentVersion |
Agent version |
string |
CentralVersion |
Central version |
string |
ClientIP |
Client IP address |
string |
Hash |
Hash |
string |
IPAddress |
IP address |
string |
LogID |
Log ID |
integer (int32) |
LogTime |
Log time |
string (date-time) |
Node |
Node |
integer (int32) |
QueryType |
Query type |
string |
Status |
Status |
string |
StatusCode |
Status code |
integer (int32) |
StatusMsg |
Status message |
string |
TargetID |
Target ID |
string |
TargetType |
Target type |
string |
TaskName |
Task name |
string |
Username |
Username |
string |
4.4.10. Choices
Name | Description | Schema |
Choice |
List of choices |
< string > array |
4.4.11. Comp Type
Name | Description | Schema |
a |
Lefthand operand |
string |
b |
Righthand operand |
string |
test |
The comparison to make. Valid values are: NGT for numeric greater than, NLT for numeric less than, NGE for numeric greater than or equal to, NLE for numeric less than or equal to, NEQ for numeric equals, NNE for numeric not equal to, DGT for date greater than, DLT for date less than, DGE for date greater than or equal to, DLE for date less than or equal to, DEQ for date equals, DNE for date not equal to, MASK for filename matches mask, NOTMASK for filename does not match mask |
4.4.12. Criteria Type
Name | Description | Schema |
And |
And |
Or |
Or |
comp |
comp |
4.4.13. Custom Script
Name | Description | Schema |
Description |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
Lang |
Script language |
enum (VBScript, PS1) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
Source |
Source |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.14. Custom Script List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of custom scripts |
< Custom Script > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.15. Date List
Name | Description | Schema |
Description |
Description |
string |
Entries |
Array of single element json objects containing either {"C": "Comment Value"} or {"Date": "yyyy-mm-dd"} |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.16. Date List Reference
Name | Description | Schema |
ID |
ID of the date list |
string |
Run |
Whether to run |
enum (0, 1) |
value |
Value |
string |
4.4.17. Date List, List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of date lists |
< Date List > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.18. Days
Name | Description | Schema |
DayOfMonth |
Days of month |
string (byte) |
DayOfWeek |
Days of week |
< enum (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday) > array |
4.4.19. Destination Step
Name | Description | Schema |
AB |
ASCII vs binary transfer mode; applies only to FTP |
enum (ascii, binary) |
Account |
The account to use during authentication; for FTP only. Rarely used. |
string |
AddCom |
Commands to execute (per file) before transfer; applies only to FTP |
string |
AddComAX |
Commands to execute (per file) after transfer; applies only to FTP |
string |
AddressTo |
Email address for SMTP destinations |
string |
BlindDL |
Blind download enabled: if enabled, no directory listing is done prior to download |
enum (0, 1) |
BlindUL |
Whether to do blind upload |
enum (0, 1) |
Bucket |
S3 bucket name; for AWS S3 only |
string |
ClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
ClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
ClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
ClientKeyID |
Client key ID |
string |
ConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout seconds |
integer (int32) |
DataTimeoutSecs |
Data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DestFileAttr |
Destination file attribute |
string |
FileName |
Destination filename |
string |
FolderID |
MOVEit Transfer folder ID |
string |
FolderName |
Folder name |
string |
FolderType |
Folder type; rarely-used setting that applies only to MOVEit Transfer hosts |
enum (-1, 1, 4, 10, 110, 19, 119, 99) |
ForceDir |
Force directory if it does not already exist |
enum (0, 1) |
HostID |
ID of associated host |
string |
ID |
ID |
string |
MD5File |
Filename of the MD5SUM file; used only by FTP and SFTP |
string |
MD5Get |
Whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (IfPresent, Required, Never) |
MDNEmail |
MDN email recipient, for AS/1 destinations |
string |
MDNFileMaskToPoll |
MDN file mask to poll |
string |
MDNPath |
Path of the Message Disposition Notification; used only by AS/x |
string |
URL to which the AS/x MDN should be sent |
string |
MailSubject |
AS/x email subject |
string |
Message |
The body of the email message to send |
string |
MultipleAttachments |
Whether an AS/x destination should attach multiple files to a single message |
enum (0, 1) |
MxBy |
Maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
MxFi |
Maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
OverwriteOrig |
What to do if the destination filename already exists |
enum (0, 1, 2) |
Passive |
Whether to use passive mode; used only by FTP |
enum (0, 1) |
Password |
Password |
string |
Path |
Folder path of the source or destination |
string |
RequestAsyncMDN |
Whether to request an async MDN |
enum (0, 1) |
RequestMDN |
Whether an MDN should be requested |
enum (0, 1) |
RequestSigned |
Whether request should be signed |
enum (0, 1) |
RescanSecs |
Rescan in seconds |
integer (int32) |
RetryCount |
Retry count |
integer (int32) |
RetryIfNoFiles |
Whether to rescan for files if none were found |
enum (0, 1) |
RetryTimeoutSecs |
Retry timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
ReuseSSL |
Whether to reuse SSL sessions; for FTP only |
enum (0, 1) |
Rsm |
Whether to attempt resume of transfers; 0 means no and 1 means yes |
integer (int32) |
SearchSubdirs |
Whether to search subdirectories |
enum (0, 1) |
SetFileAttr |
Whether to set file attributes after upload, if UseDefSetFileAttr is false |
enum (0, 1) |
Sort |
Desired sorting of files from a MOVEit Transfer host. Allowed values are "Name,N", "Size,N", or "Date,N" where N=A or D, for Ascending and Descending |
enum (Date,A, Size,A, Filename,A, Date,D, Size,D, Filename,D) |
Subject |
Email subject |
string |
Type |
The host type of this step |
enum (siLock, FTP, SSHFTP, FileSystem, SMTP, Share, POP3, S3, AzureBlob, SharePoint, AS1, AS2, AS3) |
UDMxBy |
Use the host’s default maximum bytes |
enum (0, 1) |
UDMxFi |
Use the host’s default maximum files |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefAB |
Use the host’s default ASCII vs binary; applies only to FTP |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefBlindDL |
Use the host’s default blind download setting |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefBlindUL |
Use default blind upload |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefBucket |
Whether to use the host’s default bucket; for S3 only |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefClientCert |
Use the host’s default client certificate |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefClientKey |
Use the host’s default client key |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefConnTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default connection timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefDataTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default data timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefMD5File |
Use the host’s default MD5 file |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefMD5Get |
Use the host’s default setting for whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefPartner |
Use default partner |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefPassive |
Use the host’s default passive |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRescanSecs |
Use the host’s default rescan seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryCount |
Use the host’s default retry count |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default retry timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefReuseSSL |
Use the host’s default reuse SSL; for FTP only |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRsm |
Use the host’s default resume of file transfers |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefSetFileAttr |
Use the host’s default set file attribute |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefSort |
Use the host’s default sort |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefUser |
Use the host’s default user |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefWinCopyFileAPI |
Use the host’s default Windows copy file API setting |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefXS |
Use the host’s default setting whether to check integrity via XSHA1. For FTP only. |
enum (0, 1) |
UseEncryptionCert |
Whether an encryption certificate should be used |
enum (0, 1) |
UseOrigName |
Use original filename on destination |
enum (0, 1) |
UseRelativeSubdirs |
Use relative subdirectories |
enum (0, 1) |
UseWinCopyFileAPI |
Which file copy algorithm to use for UNC hosts. A value of 0 means use the Windows API function CopyFileEx, which is generally faster. This is the recommended setting. A value of 1 means use a read/write loop. |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
VerificationCertSHA1 |
Verification certificate SHA1 |
string |
VerificationCertStore |
Verification certificate store |
string |
VerificationCertSubject |
Verification certificate subject |
string |
XS |
Whether to use XSHA1 for integrity checking. For FTP only. A value of 0 means do not use XSHA1; a value of 1 means do use XSHA1. |
string |
Zip |
Whether to zip the file |
enum (0, 1) |
4.4.20. Email Step
Name | Description | Schema |
AddressTo |
Email address |
string |
HostID |
ID of the SMTP host |
string |
ID |
ID |
string |
Message |
Body of the email to send |
string |
Subject |
Subject of the email to send |
string |
Type |
This setting is not used |
string |
UseDefConnTimeoutSecs |
Use default connection timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefDataTimeoutSecs |
Use default data timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryCount |
Use default retry count |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Use default retry timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
4.4.21. Error Message
Name | Description | Schema |
detail |
An explanation specific to this occurrence of the error |
string |
status |
The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the error |
integer (int32) |
title |
A short summary of the error type |
string |
4.4.22. FTP Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AddCom |
Commands to execute (per file) before transfer |
string |
AddComAX |
Commands to execute (per file) after transfer |
string |
AddComSignon |
Commands to execute upon signon |
string |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
AuthOrder |
Authentication order |
string |
CustomDir |
Custom directory parsing enabled |
enum (0, 1) |
CustomDirColDate |
Custom directory column for date |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirColFilename |
Custom directory column for filename |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipBottom |
Custom directory lines to skip at bottom |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipTop |
Custom directory lines to skip at top |
integer (int32) |
DataTimeout |
Data timeout |
string |
DefAB |
Default ASCII vs binary transfer mode |
enum (ascii, binary) |
DefAccount |
Default account |
string |
DefAddressFrom |
Address from |
string |
DefBlindDL |
Default blind download enabled |
enum (0, 1) |
DefBlindUL |
Default blind upload enabled |
enum (0, 1) |
DefClientCertSHA1 |
Default client certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefClientCertStore |
Default client certificate store |
string |
DefClientCertSubject |
Default client certificate subject |
string |
DefClientKeyID |
Default client key ID |
string |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Default connection timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefMD5File |
Default MD5SUM filename |
string |
DefMD5Get |
Default whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (IfPresent, Required, Never) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefPassive |
Default whether to use passive mode |
enum (0, 1) |
DefPassword |
Default password |
string |
DefRescanSecs |
Default rescan seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefReuseSSL |
Reuse SSL for data connections |
enum (0, 1) |
DefRsm |
Default whether to resume failed transfers |
string |
DefSort |
Default sorting order |
enum (Date,A, Size,A, Filename,A, Date,D, Size,D, Filename,D) |
DefUsername |
Default username |
string |
DefXS |
Default flag for whether to do XSHA1 if available |
enum (0, 1) |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
DirScriptID |
ID of directory parsing script |
string |
DotNET |
Ignored for FTP |
enum (0, 1) |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ignore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
NatClientIP |
NAT client IP address |
string |
NatUseServerIPForData |
NAT use server IP address for data |
enum (0, 1) |
Number of seconds to wait before connecting to passive port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyHost |
Proxy host |
string |
ProxyPassword |
Proxy password |
string |
ProxyPort |
Proxy port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyType |
Proxy type: one of None, SOCKS5 |
string |
ProxyUsername |
Proxy username |
string |
RenameAfterUpload |
Whether to rename after upload |
enum (0, 1) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
ReuseSSLSession |
Reuse SSL session |
enum (0, 1) |
SSHFingerprint |
Fingerprint of SSH server key |
string |
ScriptPath |
Script path |
string |
Secure |
Session encryption type, one of: none, tls-p, tls-p-ccc, tls-c , tls-c-ccc, implicit, implicit-ccc |
string |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
TempUploadName |
Temporary upload name |
string |
UTCOffset |
Offset from GMT, in seconds - used only by sync tasks |
integer (int32) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use default state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
UseNotif |
Not used for this host type |
enum (0, 1) |
host |
Host |
string |
port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.23. File Activity Report
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of file activity report records |
< File Activity Report Record > array |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.24. File Activity Report Record
Name | Description | Schema |
Action |
Action |
string |
DestASxMDN |
Destination AS1/AS2/AS3 MDN |
string |
DestASxMsgID |
Destination AS1/AS2/AS3 message ID |
string |
DestBytes |
Destination byte count |
number (double) |
DestDuration |
Destination duration in seconds |
number (double) |
DestFile |
Destination file |
string |
DestFileID |
Destination file ID |
string |
DestHost |
Destination host |
string |
DestPath |
Destination path |
string |
LogID |
Log ID |
integer (int64) |
LogStamp |
Log timestamp |
string (date-time) |
Node |
Node ID |
integer (int32) |
NominalStart |
Nominal start time |
string |
QueryType |
Query type |
string |
ScheduledTime |
Scheduled time |
string (date-time) |
SourceASxMDN |
Source AS1/AS2/AS3 MDN |
string |
SourceASxMsgID |
Source AS1/AS2/AS3 message ID |
string |
SourceBytes |
Source byte count |
number (double) |
SourceDuration |
Source duration in seconds |
number (double) |
SourceFile |
Source file |
string |
SourceFileID |
Source file ID |
string |
SourceHost |
Source host |
string |
SourcePath |
Source path |
string |
SourceStamp |
Source timestamp (usually modified timestamp) |
string |
StartTime |
Start time |
string (date-time) |
Status |
Status |
string |
StatusCode |
Numeric error code (or 0 if no error) |
integer (int32) |
StatusMsg |
Error or status message |
string |
TaskID |
Task ID |
integer (int32) |
TaskName |
Task name |
string |
TransferBytes |
Transfer bytes |
number (double) |
4.4.25. File System Share
Name | Description | Schema |
AdjDST |
Whether host adjusts for DST |
enum (0, 1) |
DriveLetter |
Drive letter |
string |
Password |
Password |
string |
string |
UseNotif |
Use filesystem notifications |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
4.4.26. FileSystem Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefRescanSecs |
Rescan period |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Hostname |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Port |
Port number |
integer (int32) |
RenameAfterUpload |
Whether to rename after upload |
enum (0, 1) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
Share |
Collection of file system shares |
< File System Share > array |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
TempUploadName |
Temporary upload name |
string |
UTCOffset |
Offset from GMT, in seconds - used only by sync tasks |
integer (int32) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
UseNotif |
Use filesystem notifications |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.27. For Step
Name | Description | Schema |
ID |
ID |
string |
steps |
Steps included in this for step. The type can be destination, email, for, if, process, runtask, source, updorig and when |
< object > array |
4.4.28. Frequency
Name | Description | Schema |
Interval |
List of intervals |
< Interval > array |
4.4.29. GlobalParameter, List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of global parameters |
< Parameter > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.30. Host List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of host objects |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.31. Host, this model contains one of the following host types, File System host, FTP host, POP3 host, Share host, MOVEit Transfer host, SMTP host, SSHFTP host, AS1 host, AS2 host, AS3 host, or S3 host
Name | Description | Schema |
AS1 |
AS1 host |
AS2 |
AS2 host |
AS3 |
AS3 host |
FTP host |
FileSystem |
Filesystem host |
POP3 |
POP3 host |
S3 |
S3 host |
SMTP host |
SSHFTP host |
Share |
Share host |
SiLock |
MOVEit Transfer host |
4.4.32. If Step
Name | Description | Schema |
ID |
ID |
string |
Otherwise |
The steps to take if the condition is false |
When |
The condition to test, and the steps to take if it is true |
< When Step > array |
4.4.33. Information
Name | Description | Schema |
Description |
Description of the configuration item |
string |
Notes |
Notes of the configuration item |
string |
4.4.34. Interval
Name | Description | Schema |
EndTime |
End time, in the format HH:MM |
string |
EveryMinutes |
The interval between task runs, in minutes. |
integer (int32) |
ID |
ID of the interval |
string |
StartTime |
Start time, in the format HH:MM |
string |
value |
This property is not used |
string |
4.4.35. License
Name | Description | Schema |
acctMgtLicensed |
Account management licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
advTasksLicensed |
Advanced tasks licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
apiLicensed |
API licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
as2Licensed |
AS2 licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
backupHostsLicensed |
Backup hosts licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
customScriptsLicensed |
Custom scripts licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
maxHosts |
Max hosts |
integer (int64) |
maxTasks |
Max tasks |
integer (int64) |
pgpLicensed |
PGP licensed |
enum (0, 1) |
resilEnabled |
Resil enabled |
enum (0, 1) |
resilRole |
Resil role |
string |
version |
Version |
string |
4.4.36. MOVEit Transfer Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AddCom |
Add com |
string |
AddComSignon |
Add com signon |
string |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
CustomDir |
Custom directory |
enum (0, 1) |
CustomDirColDate |
Custom directory col date |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirColFilename |
Custom directory col filename |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipBottom |
Custom directory skip bottom |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipTop |
Custom directory skip top |
integer (int32) |
DefAB |
AB |
enum (ascii, binary) |
DefAccount |
Account |
string |
DefAddressFrom |
From address |
string |
DefBlindDL |
Blind DL |
enum (0, 1) |
DefBlindUL |
Blind UL |
enum (0, 1) |
DefClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
DefClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
DefClientKeyID |
Client key ID |
string |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefMD5File |
Default MD5SUM filename |
string |
DefMD5Get |
Default whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (IfPresent, Required, Never) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefPassive |
Passive |
enum (0, 1) |
DefPassword |
Password |
string |
DefRescanSecs |
Default rescan seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefSort |
Sort |
enum (Date,A, Size,A, Filename,A, Date,D, Size,D, Filename,D) |
DefUsername |
Username |
string |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
DotNET |
Whether target host uses .NET (should always be 1) |
enum (0, 1) |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ignore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
NATUseServerIPForData |
NAT use server IP for data |
enum (0, 1) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
RenameAfterUpload |
Whether to rename after upload |
enum (0, 1) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SSHFingerprint |
SSH finger print |
string |
ScriptPath |
Script path |
string |
Secure |
Whether to encrypt the connection |
string |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
TempUploadName |
Temporary upload name |
string |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
UseNotif |
Use filesystem notifications |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.37. MicSshKeyTypeListResultModel
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of SSH keys |
< Ssh Key > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.38. Next Action
Name | Description | Schema |
AddressTo |
Email address to which mail should be sent, if Type is Email |
string |
DoAfter |
When this Next Action should be executed. A value of "FileDone" means after each file has been processed. A value of "Task" means after the task has finished. |
string |
DoIfFailure |
Do this when failed |
enum (0, 1) |
DoIfNoAction |
Do this when no action |
enum (0, 1) |
DoIfSuccess |
Do this when succeeded |
enum (0, 1) |
HostID |
The ID of the SMTP host to use, if Type is Email |
string |
ID |
ID of the next action |
string |
Message |
The body of the email message, if Type is Email |
string |
Parameters |
Parameters to pass to the task, if Type is Task |
Subject |
The subject of the email message, if Type is Email |
string |
TaskID |
The ID of the task to run, if Type is Task |
string |
Type |
Type of the next action. A value of "Email" means send an email. A value of "Task" means run a task. |
string |
4.4.39. Next actions
Name | Description | Schema |
NextAction |
List of actions to take next |
< Next Action > array |
4.4.40. Or Type
Name | Description | Schema |
comp |
comp |
< Comp Type > array |
4.4.41. Otherwise Step
Name | Description | Schema |
steps |
Steps included in this Otherwise Step. The type can be Destination, Email, For, If, Process, RunTask, Source, UpdOrig and When |
< object > array |
4.4.42. PGP Key
Name | Description | Schema |
Created |
Created |
string |
Disabled |
Disabled |
enum (0, 1) |
Expired |
Expired |
enum (0, 1) |
Expires |
Expires |
string |
Fingerprint |
Fingerprint |
string |
ID |
ID |
string |
KeyLength |
Key length |
string |
KeyType |
Key type |
string |
Name |
Name |
string |
PubPriv |
"pub" for public component only, or "pair" for keypair |
string |
Revoked |
Revoked |
enum (0, 1) |
Status |
Status |
string |
SymAlg |
Symmetric algorithm |
string |
uid |
UID (user ID) of key |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Add edit delete permission, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.43. PGP Key List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of PGP key objects |
< PGP Key > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.44. POP3 Host
Name | Description | Schema |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefPassword |
Password |
string |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefUsername |
Username |
string |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.45. Paging Information
Name | Description | Schema |
page |
Page number |
integer (int32) |
perPage |
Number of objects per page |
integer (int32) |
totalItems |
Total number of objects in the entire result set |
integer (int32) |
totalPages |
Total number of pages in the entire result set |
integer (int32) |
4.4.46. Parameter
Name | Description | Schema |
countedDisplayValue |
Counted Display Value |
string |
displayValue |
Display Value |
string |
name |
Name |
string |
value |
Value |
string |
4.4.47. Parameters
Name | Description | Schema |
any |
List of parameters |
< Parameter > array |
4.4.48. Permissions
Name | Description | Schema |
HostAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete hosts |
enum (0, 1) |
PGPAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete PGP keys |
enum (0, 1) |
SSHAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete SSH keys |
enum (0, 1) |
SSLAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete SSL certs |
enum (0, 1) |
ScriptAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete scripts |
enum (0, 1) |
TaskAddEditDelete |
Add/edit/delete tasks |
enum (0, 1) |
TaskEditExisting |
Edit existing elements of the tasks |
enum (0, 1) |
TaskRun |
Run tasks |
enum (0, 1) |
4.4.49. Process Step
Name | Description | Schema |
ID |
ID |
string |
IsDest |
Whether this script should be regarded as acting like a destination |
enum (0, 1) |
Parameters |
Task parameters specific to this process |
Run |
When the process should run |
enum (Once, PerFile) |
ScriptID |
ID of script to run |
string |
4.4.50. Report Query Input
Name | Description | Schema |
maxCount |
Maximum number of entries to return, must be in the range of 1 to 100,000 |
integer (int32) |
orderBy |
Report result sorting order specified with comma-separated case-insensitive column names which can be optionally prefixed with |
string |
predicate |
Selection criteria using RSQL language to filter reporting data |
string |
4.4.51. Resource Group
Name | Description | Schema |
Members |
Members of the resource group |
< Resource Group Member > array |
Name |
Name of the resource group |
string |
Notes |
Description of the resource group |
string |
xAddHost |
True if the current user can add hosts to this resource group |
boolean |
xAddPGPKey |
True if the current user can add PGP keys to this resource group |
boolean |
xAddSSHClientKey |
True if the current user can add SSH client keys to this resource group |
boolean |
xAddSSLCert |
True if the current user can add SSL certs to this resource group |
boolean |
xAddScript |
True if the current user can add scripts to this resource group |
boolean |
xAddTask |
True if the current user can add tasks to this resource group |
boolean |
4.4.52. Resource Group List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of resource groups |
< Resource Group > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.53. Resource Group Member
Name | Description | Schema |
t |
Type of the member |
enum (task, host, script, ssl, ssh, pgp) |
value |
ID of the member |
string |
4.4.54. Run Task Step
Name | Description | Schema |
ID |
ID |
string |
TaskID |
TaskID |
string |
Wait |
Whether to wait until target task is complete before running |
enum (0, 1) |
items |
This setting is not used |
< object > array |
4.4.55. Running Task
Name | Description | Schema |
CurFileBytes |
Current position in file |
integer (int64) |
LastErrorText |
Text description of the last error |
string |
LastErrorType |
Type of the last error |
integer (int32) |
NominalStart |
Nominal start of the running task |
string |
StartedBy |
Username of the user who started the running task |
string |
Status |
Current status of the running task |
string |
StopRequested |
0 means the running task has not been requested to stop |
enum (0, 1) |
TaskID |
Id of the running task |
string |
TaskName |
Name of the running task |
string |
TimeStarted |
Start time of the running task |
string |
TotFileBytes |
Total number of bytes in the file |
integer (int64) |
xAddEditDelete |
True if the current user can add, edit or delete the running task |
boolean |
xAlter |
True if the current user can alter the running task |
boolean |
xRun |
True if the current user can run the running task |
boolean |
4.4.56. Running Task List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of running task objects |
< Running Task > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.57. S3 Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
DefBucket |
Default bucket |
string |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDLInteg |
Default download integrity checking; one of never, ifsure, ignore, always |
string |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefPassword |
Default secret access key |
string |
DefRescanSecs |
Default rescan seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefUsername |
Default access key id |
string |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyHost |
Proxy host |
string |
ProxyPassword |
Proxy password |
string |
ProxyPort |
Proxy port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyType |
Proxy type: one of none, HTTP, or HTTPS |
string |
ProxyUsername |
Proxy username |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
Secure |
Whether to encrypt the connection |
enum (0, 1) |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.58. SMTP Host
Name | Description | Schema |
DefAddressFrom |
From address |
string |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefPassword |
Password |
string |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefUsername |
Username |
string |
Desc |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Ignore certificate problems |
enum (0, 1) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
Secure |
Whether to encrypt the connection |
string |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.59. SSHFTP Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AddCom |
Add com |
string |
AddComAX |
Add com AX |
string |
AddComSignon |
Add com signon |
string |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
CmpL |
Compression level, 0 - disable compression, 6 - enable compression |
enum (0, 6) |
CustomDir |
Custom directory |
enum (0, 1) |
CustomDirColDate |
Custom directory date column |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirColFilename |
Custom directory filename column |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipBottom |
Custom directory lines to skip at bottom |
integer (int32) |
CustomDirSkipTop |
Custom directory lines to skip at top |
integer (int32) |
DefAB |
AB |
enum (ascii, binary) |
DefAccount |
Account |
string |
DefAddressFrom |
From address |
string |
DefBlindDL |
Blind downloads |
enum (0, 1) |
DefBlindUL |
Blind uploads |
enum (0, 1) |
DefClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
DefClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
DefClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
DefClientKeyID |
Default client key ID |
string |
DefConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDataTimeoutSecs |
Default data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefDestFileAttr |
Destination UNIX file attributes as an octal number |
string |
DefMD5File |
Default MD5SUM filename |
string |
DefMD5Get |
Default whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (IfPresent, Required, Never) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefPassive |
Passive |
enum (0, 1) |
DefPassword |
Password |
string |
DefRescanSecs |
Default rescan seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRsm |
Default whether to resume failed transfers |
string |
DefSetFileAttr |
Default whether to file attributes |
enum (0, 1) |
DefSort |
Sort |
enum (Date,A, Size,A, Filename,A, Date,D, Size,D, Filename,D) |
DefUsername |
Username |
string |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
DirScriptID |
ID of directory parsing script |
string |
DotNET |
Ignored for SFTP |
enum (0, 1) |
EncAlg |
Encryption algorithm override: empty, or one of aes, aes-cbc, aes-ctr, 3des, blowfish |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
Host |
Host |
string |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
IgnoreCertProbs |
Whether to accept any server key |
enum (0, 1) |
KexAlgs |
Prioritized list of acceptable key exchange algorithms |
string |
NATUseServerIPForData |
NAT user server IP for data |
enum (0, 1) |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
OptimizeSSHBuf |
Whether to optimize performance with lookahead buffers |
enum (0, 1) |
Port |
Port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyHost |
Proxy host |
string |
ProxyPassword |
Proxy password |
string |
ProxyPort |
Proxy port |
integer (int32) |
ProxyType |
Proxy type: one of None, SOCKS4, SOCKS5, webstandard |
string |
ProxyUsername |
Proxy username |
string |
RenameAfterUpload |
Whether to rename after upload |
enum (0, 1) |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SSHFingerprint |
SSH finger print |
string |
ScriptPath |
Script path |
string |
Secure |
Whether to encrypt the connection |
string |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
TempUploadName |
Temporary upload name |
string |
UTCOffset |
Offset from GMT, in seconds - used only by sync tasks |
integer (int32) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
UseNotif |
Not used for this host type |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.60. SSL Certificate
Name | Description | Schema |
ExpDate |
Expiration Date |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
IssuedTo |
Issued To |
string |
Issuer |
Issuer |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SerialNum |
Serial Number |
string |
Sha1Thumbprint |
SHA1 Thumbprint |
string |
Store |
Store |
string |
ValidFromDate |
Valid From Date |
string |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.61. SSL Certificate List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of SSL Certificates |
< SSL Certificate > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.62. Schedule
Name | Description | Schema |
DateListRef |
Date list references |
< Date List Reference > array |
Days |
Days |
FailIfNoSuccessInSched |
Whether to fail when no successes have occurred by the end of the schedule |
enum (0, 1) |
Frequency |
Frequency |
ID |
ID of the schedule |
string |
Multi |
Whether this schedule spans midnight. A value of 0 means the schedule does not span midnight. A value of 1 means this is the pre-midnight portion of a schedule that spans midnight. A value of 2 means this is the post-midnight portion of a schedule that spans midnight. |
integer (int32) |
OnlyUntilFirstSuccess |
Run the task during the scheduled time only until a task run was successful |
enum (0, 1) |
RunEvenIfNotif |
Schedule the task even if all sources are subject to notifications |
enum (0, 1) |
4.4.63. Schedules
Name | Description | Schema |
Schedule |
List of schedules |
< Schedule > array |
4.4.64. Server Error Message
Name | Description | Schema |
detail |
An explanation specific to this occurrence of the error |
string |
errorCode |
The error code returned from the server |
integer (int32) |
status |
The HTTP status code generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the error |
integer (int32) |
title |
A short summary of the error type |
string |
4.4.65. Server Timezone Info
Name | Description | Schema |
daylightBias |
Day light bias |
string |
timeZoneBias |
Time zone bias |
string |
timeZoneName |
Time zone name |
string |
4.4.66. Share Host
Name | Description | Schema |
AdjDST |
Account for daylight savings |
enum (0, 1) |
DefMxBy |
Default maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
DefMxFi |
Default maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
DefPassword |
Password |
string |
DefRescanSecs |
Default rescan seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryCount |
Default number of retries |
integer (int32) |
DefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Default retry timeout value in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DefUsername |
Username |
string |
DefWinCopyFileAPI |
Win copy file API |
enum (0, 1) |
DelOldStateDays |
Delete file stamp state entries after this many days (0=never) |
integer (int32) |
Desc |
Description |
string |
DriveLetter |
Drive letter |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
ID2 |
ID of secondary host |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
StateCacheTime |
Length of time to cache state; -1=forever |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
string |
UseDefStateCaching |
Use state caching |
enum (0, 1) |
UseNotif |
Use filesystem notifications |
enum (0, 1) |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.67. Sorting Field
Name | Description | Schema |
sortDirection |
Sorting order |
enum (asc, desc) |
sortField |
Field name |
string |
4.4.68. Source Step
Name | Description | Schema |
AB |
ASCII vs binary transfer mode; applies only to FTP |
enum (ascii, binary) |
Account |
The account to use during authentication; for FTP only. Rarely used. |
string |
AddCom |
Commands to execute (per file) before transfer; applies only to FTP |
string |
AddComAX |
Commands to execute (per file) after transfer; applies only to FTP |
string |
BlindDL |
Blind download enabled: if enabled, no directory listing is done prior to download |
enum (0, 1) |
Bucket |
S3 bucket name; for AWS S3 only |
string |
ClientCertSHA1 |
Client certificate SHA1 |
string |
ClientCertStore |
Client certificate store |
string |
ClientCertSubject |
Client certificate subject |
string |
ClientKeyID |
Client key ID |
string |
ConnTimeoutSecs |
Connection timeout seconds |
integer (int32) |
Criteria |
Criteria that files must match |
DLInteg |
Whether to use download integrity checking. Must be one of "never", "ifsure", "ignore", or "always". Applies only to S3 hosts. |
string |
DataTimeoutSecs |
Data timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
DelRename |
Whether to delete the "to" filename when renaming a downloaded file. +Applies only if DeleteOrig = 2. |
enum (0, 1) |
DeleteOrig |
What to do with a downloaded file after processing |
enum (0, 1, 2) |
DestFileAttr |
Destination file attribute |
string |
DownloadGroup |
Set this to "Collection" if downloading a "bundle" of web posts. This is a rarely-used feature that applies only to MOVEit Transfer hosts. |
string |
ExFile |
Mask of file names to be excluded from download |
string |
ExFo |
Mask of folder names to be excluded from download |
string |
FileMask |
Mask that files must match to be downloaded |
string |
FolderID |
MOVEit Transfer folder ID |
string |
FolderName |
Folder name |
string |
FolderType |
Folder type; rarely-used setting that applies only to MOVEit Transfer hosts |
enum (-1, 1, 4, 10, 110, 19, 119, 99) |
Format |
Format in which to download a web post bundle; either "CSV" or "XML". This is a rarely-used feature that applies only to MOVEit Transfer hosts. |
enum (CSV, XML) |
HostID |
ID of associated host |
string |
ID |
ID |
string |
MD5File |
Filename of the MD5SUM file; used only by FTP and SFTP |
string |
MD5Get |
Whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (IfPresent, Required, Never) |
MDNFilenameToSend |
MDN filename to send |
string |
MDNPath |
Path of the Message Disposition Notification; used only by AS/x |
string |
MxBy |
Maximum number of bytes per task run |
integer (int64) |
MxFi |
Maximum number of files per task run |
integer (int32) |
NewFilesOnly |
New files only |
enum (0, 1) |
PartnerName |
Partner name |
string |
Passive |
Whether to use passive mode; used only by FTP |
enum (0, 1) |
Password |
Password |
string |
Path |
Folder path of the source or destination |
string |
RenameTo |
What to rename a downloaded file to after processing. Applies only if DeleteOrig = 2. |
string |
RescanSecs |
Rescan in seconds |
integer (int32) |
RetryCount |
Retry count |
integer (int32) |
RetryIfNoFiles |
Whether to rescan for files if none were found |
enum (0, 1) |
RetryTimeoutSecs |
Retry timeout in seconds |
integer (int32) |
ReuseSSL |
Whether to reuse SSL sessions; for FTP only |
enum (0, 1) |
Rsm |
Whether to attempt resume of transfers; 0 means no and 1 means yes |
integer (int32) |
SearchSubdirs |
Whether to search subdirectories |
enum (0, 1) |
SetFileAttr |
Whether to set file attributes after upload, if UseDefSetFileAttr is false |
enum (0, 1) |
Sort |
Desired sorting of files from a MOVEit Transfer host. Allowed values are "Name,N", "Size,N", or "Date,N" where N=A or D, for Ascending and Descending |
enum (Date,A, Size,A, Filename,A, Date,D, Size,D, Filename,D) |
SubjectMatch |
Mask of email subject that must match for download. Applies only to AS/1 hosts. |
string |
SyDel |
Whether to synchronize deletions. Applies only to Sync tasks. |
enum (0, 1, 2) |
SyF |
Whether this is the "from" source. Applies only to Sync tasks. |
enum (0, 1) |
SyT |
Whether this is the "to" source. Applies only to Sync tasks. |
enum (0, 1) |
Type |
The host type of this step |
enum (siLock, FTP, SSHFTP, FileSystem, SMTP, Share, POP3, S3, AzureBlob, SharePoint, AS1, AS2, AS3) |
UDMxBy |
Use the host’s default maximum bytes |
enum (0, 1) |
UDMxFi |
Use the host’s default maximum files |
enum (0, 1) |
Unzip |
Whether to unzip files whose name ends in .zip |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefAB |
Use the host’s default ASCII vs binary; applies only to FTP |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefBlindDL |
Use the host’s default blind download setting |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefBucket |
Whether to use the host’s default bucket; for S3 only |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefClientCert |
Use the host’s default client certificate |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefClientKey |
Use the host’s default client key |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefConnTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default connection timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefDLInteg |
Use the host’s default download integrity settings |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefDataTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default data timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefMD5File |
Use the host’s default MD5 file |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefMD5Get |
Use the host’s default setting for whether to process MD5SUM files |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefPartner |
Use default partner |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefPassive |
Use the host’s default passive |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRescanSecs |
Use the host’s default rescan seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryCount |
Use the host’s default retry count |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs |
Use the host’s default retry timeout in seconds |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefReuseSSL |
Use the host’s default reuse SSL; for FTP only |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefRsm |
Use the host’s default resume of file transfers |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefSetFileAttr |
Use the host’s default set file attribute |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefSort |
Use the host’s default sort |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefUser |
Use the host’s default user |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefWinCopyFileAPI |
Use the host’s default Windows copy file API setting |
enum (0, 1) |
UseDefXS |
Use the host’s default setting whether to check integrity via XSHA1. For FTP only. |
enum (0, 1) |
UseLCaseComp |
Use lower case filename comparisons |
enum (0, 1) |
UseWinCopyFileAPI |
Which file copy algorithm to use for UNC hosts. A value of 0 means use the Windows API function CopyFileEx, which is generally faster. This is the recommended setting. A value of 1 means use a read/write loop. |
enum (0, 1) |
Username |
Username |
string |
XS |
Whether to use XSHA1 for integrity checking. For FTP only. A value of 0 means do not use XSHA1; a value of 1 means do use XSHA1. |
string |
4.4.69. Ssh Key
Name | Description | Schema |
Fingerprint |
Fingerprint |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
PublicKeyOpenSSH |
Public key in OpenSSH format |
string |
PublicKeySSH |
Public key in SSH format |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.70. Standard Script
Name | Description | Schema |
Description |
Description |
string |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
IsDest |
Is a destination script |
boolean |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
Params |
Script parameters |
ProcessDesc |
Process description |
string |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.71. Standard Script List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of standard scripts |
< Standard Script > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.72. Start Task Response
Name | Description | Schema |
nominalStart |
Nominal Start time of the task. |
string |
4.4.73. Steps Type
Name | Description | Schema |
MicDestinationType |
Destination type |
MicEmailType |
Email type |
MicForType |
For type |
MicIfType |
If type |
MicProcessType |
Process type |
MicRunTaskType |
Run task type |
MicSourceType |
Source type |
MicUpdOrigType |
Upd orig type |
4.4.74. Stop Task Input
Name | Description | Schema |
nominalStart |
Nominal Start time of the task. |
string |
4.4.75. Task
Name | Description | Schema |
AR |
1 means that the task should automatically be rerun if any source hits a maxfiles or maxbytes limit. |
enum (0, 1) |
Active |
0 means the task is never run by the scheduler or any of the notifiers. |
enum (0, 1) |
"Compare Across Sources", an advanced sync-only option that is no longer supported. |
enum (EMPTY, N, A) |
CacheNames |
"random" (the default) means cache files have random names. "orig" means that original names are retained; this is necessary for some scripts, but can be problematic if the same filename appears on more than one source. |
enum (random, orig) |
Group |
Groups the object belongs to |
< string > array |
ID |
ID of the object |
string |
Info |
Basic information of the task |
Name |
Name of the object |
string |
NextActions |
Next actions of the task |
NextEID |
Next entity ID. This is used by Admin to assign IDs to elements. Not needed by the server. |
integer (int32) |
Parameters |
Parameters of the task |
Renamed |
Whether the object has been renamed, readonly |
boolean |
SameSecs |
This task attribute will describe how far apart two timestamps can still be considered the same. It is used during an initial sync run, when we must compare files across systems whose clocks may not be synced.This number applies after timezone and DST adjustments have been made. The default will be 43200 seconds (12 hours). A value of -1 means that timestamps are always considered the same. A value of -2 means that timestamps are always considered different; i.e., copy all files, even if they have not been modified. A value of -3 means that changes in file time and file size are ignored; i.e., the files will be treated as if not modified. Note: this should be implemented as a signed long integer. |
integer (int64) |
Scheduled |
Readonly - Scheduled status of the task |
Schedules |
Schedules for running the task |
StateCacheTime |
How long the task’s state should be retained. A value of -1 means retain the state forever. A value of 0 means retain the state until the end of the task run. A value > 0 means retain the state until that amount of time after the last task run. (See StateCacheUnit.) |
integer (int32) |
StateCacheUnit |
State cache unit: "hours" or "minutes". Default is minutes. |
enum (Minutes, Hours) |
TT |
Task type. "Sy" - Synchronization, "COS" - Advanced task, Empty (default) - Traditional. |
enum (EMPTY, Sy, COS) |
UseDefStateCaching |
Whether to use the default state caching policy. 0 means that the task’s StateCacheTime and StateCacheUnit apply. 1 means use the system setting. |
enum (0, 1) |
steps |
Steps included in the task. The type can be Destination, Email, For, If, Process, RunTask, Source and UpdOrig. |
< Steps Type > array |
xAddEditDelete |
Whether is permitted to add, edit and delete the object, readonly |
boolean |
xAlter |
Whether is permitted to alter the task’s existing elements, readonly |
boolean |
xRun |
Whether is permitted to run the task, readonly |
boolean |
4.4.76. Task List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of task objects |
< Task > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.77. Task Log
Name | Description | Schema |
exitStatus |
Status of task run |
string |
id |
Task Log Id |
integer (int64) |
logPath |
Path to location of log file |
string |
startTime |
Time the task run started |
string |
taskId |
Task Id |
integer (int64) |
4.4.78. Task Log List Result
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of task logs |
< Task Log > array |
paging |
Paging information |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.79. Task Runs Report
Name | Description | Schema |
items |
List of task runs report records |
< Task Runs Report Record > array |
sorting |
Sorting information |
< Sorting Field > array |
4.4.80. Task Runs Report Record
Name | Description | Schema |
DurationSecond |
Duration in seconds |
integer (int64) |
EndTime |
End time |
string (date-time) |
FilesSent |
Number of files sent |
integer (int32) |
LogStamp |
Log timestamp |
string (date-time) |
Node |
Node ID |
integer (int32) |
NominalStart |
Nominal start time |
string |
QueryType |
Query type |
string |
RecType |
Record type |
string |
RunID |
Task run ID |
integer (int64) |
ScheduledTime |
Scheduled time |
string (date-time) |
StartTime |
Start time |
string (date-time) |
StartedBy |
Started by |
string |