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Zip Advanced

Zip Advanced zips one or more files into a single archive with a configurable level of compression and an optional ZIP password.

Use Zip Advanced instead of the destination-level "Zip" checkbox if any of the following zip features are needed.

Input Parameters

Output Parameters


None of the parameters are required. The parameter default values are used unless otherwise specified. For compatibility with previous versions of a script, if no parameters are specified, the script will work the same.

The ZipAdvanced_IgnoreOriginals="No" option allows you to delete the original files later in the task without re-downloading them. It is only used if the script is run once after all downloads.

Zip Advanced recursively includes subfolders in its archives if the "Include Subfolders" option was set on any task sources.

Zip Advanced requires that the task-level "Cache Files" option is set to "Use Original Names" when run once after all downloads. To set this option:

This built-in script can be run per-file or once-after-all-files.

This built-in script cannot be run as the first step of a task.

Example #1

Al wants to download several *.rpt files from an FTP server, include a readme.txt from his local computer, and zip the entire package together in a highly compressed Zip archive.

To accomplish this with MOVEit Automation:

  1. Create a new task with a source, process, destination and schedule.
  2. Point the new source to the FTP server and use *.rpt as the file mask.
  3. Select "Zip Advanced" as the process.
  4. Set process parameters:
  5. Add a second source to the task and point it at the local "readme.txt" file.

The final task has: