This technical document describes the registry settings used by MOVEit Automation. This information is rarely needed, as most of the settings here are managed by the MOVEit Automation Config program. However, there are a few rarely-used settings, documented in this style, that can be configured only by direct manipulation of the registry by a program such as RegEdit. These values normally do not appear in the registry at all.
Hidden Configuration File Settings
The following are hidden settings that can be set from within the MOVEit Automation XML configuration file (miccfg.xml):
XPath |
Description |
Settings/Globals/MaxMaxSimulTasks |
The maximum allowed value for the MaxSimulTasks setting. If this does not exist in the config, then it defaults to 100. |
Settings/Globals/ProcessFilesAddedInLoop |
Whether an Advanced Task For loop should process files added in that loop. If this does not exist in the config, then it defaults to 0, which means that a file added by a script within a For loop will not be processed by further iterations of that loop. (However, it will be processed by other For loops.) A value of 1 causes script-added files to be processed by future iterations of the loop, likely causing an undesirable infinite loop. MOVEit Automation 7.1 and previous versions defaulted this value to 1; 7.1.1 and subsequent versions default it to the less dangerous 0 value. |
Settings/Globals/KeepAliveIntervalSecs |
The KeepAliveIntervalSecs setting is used to prevent dropped connections between the MOVEit Automation Service and the Admin console when MOVEit Automation is used in a network environment that monitors idle connections. When the KeepAliveIntervalSecs setting is set to the default value of 540 seconds (9 minutes), the Admin console sends a keep alive command (at a 9 minute interval) to the MOVEit Automation service. A value of -1 for KeepAliveIntervalSecs will disable keep alive commands completely. |
Settings/Globals/KeepAliveTimeoutSecs |
When set to the default value of 1800 seconds (30 minutes), the KeepAliveTimeoutSecs setting ignores a socket timeout of up to 30 minutes. A value of -1 for KeepAliveTimeoutSecs will disable keep alive socket timeouts, but keep alive commands will continue to be sent. |
Registry Settings
The following values appear under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Standard Networks \ MOVEitCentral:
Name |
Type |
Description |
CertIssuer |
String |
The name on the SSL certificate that MOVEit Automation uses to encrypt communications with MOVEit Automation Admin. |
CertSerial |
String |
The serial number (typically "00") of the SSL certificate that MOVEit Automation uses to encrypt communications with MOVEit Automation Admin. |
DeleteCacheInsecurely |
If 0, then at the end of a task, MOVEit Automation will overwrite temporary files with random bytes before deleting them. If 1, MOVEit Automation will delete the files. |
DMZBigBufSize |
The size, in bytes, of the large buffer used by the MOVEit Transfer client. The default is rather large at 104857600 (100 MB), to accommodate very large responses from MOVEit Transfer. You may wish to decrease this value, perhaps to 1000000, in order to have MOVEit Automation use less memory, and start up and shut down faster. |
EmailFrom |
String |
The "From:" email address used in error emails. |
EmailServer |
String |
The host name or IP address of the SMTP server used for error emails. |
ErrorEmail |
String |
The "To:" email address(es) used in error emails. |
EmailServerPort |
The TCP Port number. The default is 25 if 0 or missing. |
EmailServerSSL |
The email server encryption in MOVEit Automation. 1 for SSL/TLS encryption. 0 or missing for no SSL/TLS encryption. |
EmailServerIgnoreCertErrors |
Ignore Certificate errors when EmailServerSSL is encrypted. 1 to ignore Certificate errors. 0 or missing to refuse to connect if there is a Certificate error. |
EmailServerAccount |
The SMTP username. Empty or missing for no authentication. |
EmailServerPwd |
SMTP password, if the EmailServerAccount is specified. Encrypted via AES256 and printably encoded. |
EmailServerConnectionTimeout |
The number of seconds that MOVEit Automation waits before timing out when it cannot connect to the configured SMTP server. The default is (?) if 0 or missing. |
FlushLogAlways |
If 1, MOVEit Automation will flush the system log to disk after every write. This greatly slows performance, and should be used only if you want to be certain to have the entire log file available if MOVEit Automation crashes. |
HashKey |
String |
This is the encrypted value used as the basis of an encryption key for hash-chaining the records in the database, in order to be able to detect tampering. If you are performing a MOVEit Automation Failover or a migration operation, do not copy the "HashKey" value from the registry into any of the fields on the "Tamper" tab in the MOVEit Automation Config utility. Instead copy "HashKey" registry values from one registry to another to avoid reencrypting an encrypted value. |
LicenseKey |
String |
The license key that enables this copy of MOVEit Automation. |
MaxHTTPSessionsPerServer |
The maximum number of HTTP connections that can be maintained simultaneously to a given webserver. The default is 100, and there is rarely a need to change this. |
MinAdminVersion |
String |
The minimum version of MOVEit Automation Admin required, in a format like If present, this non-standard setting overrides the value coded into MOVEit Automation. |
MySQLDir |
String |
The directory in which MySQL is installed; typically C:\MySQL. |
String |
The password to the MySQL database user named root; strongly encrypted. |
RequireSSL |
1 if connections from MOVEit Automation Admin are required to be encrypted with SSL; else 0 if they are not encrypted. |
SchedDisabled |
1 if the task scheduler should be disabled when MOVEit Automation starts; else 0 if the scheduler should run normally. |
SSHBufferSize |
The size, in bytes, of the buffer used by the SSH client. The default will work well for almost all cases. This value should be set only if needed for compatibility with unusual SSH servers, or if a very large value is needed to enhance WAN performance. |
StatsDSN |
String |
The ODBC Data Set Name of the database used by MOVEit Automation, if StatsUseConnStr is missing or 0. This is used when MySQL is the database engine. This is nearly always "DSN=micstats;". |
StatsConnStr |
String |
The database connection string, used if StatsUseConnStr is 1. At runtime, a reference to the macro [DBPassword] is filled in with the actual password, decrypted from StatsConnStrPW. |
StatsConnStrPW |
String |
The encrypted password to the database user, used if StatsUseConnStr is 1 and if the macro [DBPassword] appears in StatsConnStr. |
StatsUseConnStr |
1 if StatsConnStr should be used for database connection settings. This is used for Microsoft SQL Server. If the setting is 0 or is missing, StatsDSN is used instead. |
StoreLocation |
A numeric value used to find the certificate that MOVEit Automation uses to encrypt communications with MOVEit Automation Admin; nearly always 0x00020000. |
StoreName |
String |
The name of the certificate store containing the certificate that MOVEit Automation uses to encrypt communications with MOVEit Automation Admin; nearly always "My". |
SuppressLowFragHeap |
If 1, this non-standard setting prevents MOVEit Automation from using the "low fragmentation heap" for memory management. Use this only if you have a specific reason for doing so. |
TempDir |
String |
The name of the parent temporary folder used for cache files; typically C:\TEMP\MIC. |
Update |
An arbitrary value changed by the configuration program to alert MOVEit Automation that the registry values have changed. |
VirusHandlingIDed |
A numeric code indicating how MOVEit Automation should react to files that appear to be infected with a specific, identifiable virus. |
VirusHandlingNotIDed |
A numeric code indicating how MOVEit Automation should react to files that appear to be infected with a virus, but we don't know which virus. |
The following values appear under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Standard Networks \ MOVEitCentral \ Install. They are used only by the install program:
Name |
Type |
Description |
MICAdminUserName |
String |
The username of the MOVEit Automation Admin user created during the install. |
MICAdminUserWhetherCreated |
1 if the install program created the above user, else 0 if an existing user was selected. |
ServiceUserName |
String |
The username of the user under which the MOVEit Automation service is running. |
ServiceUserWhetherCreated |
1 if the install program created the above user, else 0 if an existing user was selected. |
The following values appear under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Standard Networks \ MOVEitCentral \ Resil. They apply only to a failover installation:
Name |
Type |
Description |
AdminPassword |
String |
The password to the user on the remote MOVEit Automation system (strongly encrypted). |
AdminUser |
String |
The username of the MOVEit Automation user on the remote system. |
HostsToPing |
String |
A comma-separated list of hosts to ping before a secondary assumes the primary role. |
Node |
The number of this node: 0 for non-failover; else 1 or 2. |
OtherHost |
String |
The hostname or IP address of the other MOVEit Automation. |
StartupRole |
The failover role that MOVEit Automation should assume at startup; 1 means primary and 2 means secondary. This is ignored if the node number is 0. |
SuppressDBRep |
Whether replication of the database should be suppressed. The default is 0, which means that in failover mode, the database will be replicated. 1 means to not replicate the database in failover mode, and should be used only by advanced users. 1 should be specified if, for instance, both nodes are connected to the same clustered database, where the cluster is providing the high availability normally provided by MOVEit Automation itself. |