The Email tab is used to configure email messages that are sent when a serious error occurs. MOVEit Automation sends these emails primarily when in failover mode. These settings are independent of the Host and Task email settings that are used in normal running of tasks.
The settings on this tab are:
SMTP Configuration
Server. The hostname or IP address of the email server that is used for these messages.
Port. Port number of the remote server on which to connect. The default is 25.
Timeout. Number of seconds to wait when attempting to connect to the host.
Username. Optional. The SMTP server username.
Password. Optional. The SMTP server password.
Enable SSL. Optional. Select to secure the SMTP connection with SSL.
Ignore Certificate Errors. Optional. Select to ignore SSL Certificate errors.
Email alerts for serious errors
"To" error email. An optional comma-separated list of email addresses to which a message is sent when a serious error occurs. Some of the situations in which MOVEit Automation sends messages to these addresses include pending and actual failover and tamper detection instances. If this field is empty, no email is sent.
"From" email. The address that MOVEit Automation places in the "From:" line of emails that it sends as a result of a serious error.