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Add a Task Source

A source defines a single location from which files are obtained for use in a task. Each source is a reference to a host. A task can have an unlimited number of sources.

You can add sources to traditional and advanced tasks. After Transfer source settings are only available for traditional tasks.

Prerequisite: Before you add a source to a task, you must have already added the host that the source references. For example, to add a source that is a folder on a MOVEit Transfer server, you must have previously added a MOVEit Transfer host for that server. For more information, see Add a Host.

  1. Select TASKS. Add a new task, or click an existing one. The task properties page opens.
  2. Click Step > Source. If this is an advanced task, specify the location for the source step.
  3. In the Add Source dialog box, select how you want to load the source file, and select a host, Click Next.
  4. Click the tabs and make selections to specify the behavior of the source files.

For field descriptions, click the link in the following table for the source's host type

Host Type of Source

Click for Source Settings Descriptions:

Local filesystem
UNC, MOVEit Transfer
Amazon S3
Azure Blob Storage

FTP Servers



Settings AS1


Settings AS2


Settings AS3