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Tests Performed on Hosts

When you add a host, a Test button on the dialog box checks the configuration information that you provided. The following tests are executed, based on the type of host.

Host Type


MOVEit Transfer Server

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured security settings and username and password.

If successful, attempts to execute a directory listing on the root directory.

FTP Server

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured security settings, transfer mode, username, password, and account. Uses any advanced options configured, such as client certificate and/or NAT settings.

If successful, attempts to execute a directory listing on the current directory returned by the signon transaction.

SSH Server

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured host key setting and username and password. If a client key is configured in the advanced options, it is used.

If successful, attempts to execute a directory listing on the current directory that is returned by the signon transaction.

POP3 Server

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured username and password.

If successful, attempts to get a count of waiting messages.

SMTP Server

Prompts for an email address to which to send a test email message. Attempts to sign on to the configured host and port and send an email message using the configured sender address and the provided recipient address.

Note: A successful test here indicates only that MOVEit Automation was able to connect to the SMTP server and request that it send an email message to the provided recipient address.

To confirm that the test was successful, you must check the provided recipient address to confirm that the test message was accepted and delivered.

Amazon S3

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured access key ID, secret access key, default bucket.

If successful, lists the keys in the bucket.

Azure Blob Storage

Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured storage account key and container.

If successful, confirms that the container exists.


Signs in to the configured host using the App Access (Client ID, Client Secret, and Realm ID) or the User Access (Username and Password).

If successful, confirms that a document library is set and valid by silently listing the files and folders contained in the document library.


Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured organization and partner organization email addresses and the POP3 Hostname/IP Address.

If successful, attempts to connect to the AS1 host and sends an email.


Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured organization name and partner name.

If successful, confirms the configured DMZ host, logs on, lists the files in the specified directory and logs off.


Signs on to the configured host and port using the configured partner name and FTP Hostname/IP Address.

If successful, it logs on to the host, lists directories, locates the current working directory, and logs off.