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Export Task

You can export a task so that the task is stored in an XML file that can be imported if required. The task's properties, actions, triggers, and settings are in an XML file.

To export a task that does not contain keys or certificates, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the TASKS tab, and select the task that you want to export from the Tasks List. The task properties page is displayed.
  2. Click Actions > Export.

The task is exported. The default name of the exported task is <original_task_name> Export.

To export a task that contains keys or certificates, complete the following steps.

  1. Complete steps 1 and 2, above. The Export certificate and keys dialog box displays.
  2. The Export Certificates and Keys check box is automatically selected. To export the task without the keys or certificates, clear the check box and click OK.
  3. To export the task with the keys and certificates, input and confirm a password, to password protect the keys and certificates. Click OK.

The task is exported. The default name of the exported task is <original_task_name> Export.