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The Dashboard contains widgets that enable you to quickly view MOVEit Automation activity. This is the default Home page. To change the Home page see Edit Home Page.

There are eight preinstalled widgets on the dashboard. The widgets are designed to assist administrators with active, at-a-glance insights into key MOVEit Automation functions.

Data changes are automatically pushed to each of the widgets. The widget visualization is updated accordingly.

Users can interact with the dashboard through the active widget buttons. For example, click the Failed button on the Task Runs widget to get a list of the failed task runs in the past 24 hours.


The following table briefly describes the dashboard widgets.





Task Runs widget

The number of failed, successful, and tasks runs with no transfers. Users can navigate directly to the Task Run Report page.


Hosts widget

The number of assigned and unassigned hosts. Users can add a host from the widget.


Tasks widget

The number of enabled, disabled, unscheduled and incomplete tasks. Users can add a task from the widget.


File Activities widget

The number of failed or successful file activity reports. User can navigate directly to the File Activity Report page.


Keys/Certs widget

The number of each type of key and cert, and details of expired and expiring keys and certs. Users can navigate to the specific key or cert types on the Keys and Certs page, and to add keys and certs from the widget.


Most Active Hosts widget

The hosts using the most bandwidth in the last 30 days.


Most Active Tasks widget

The tasks using the most bandwidth in the last 30 days.


Watched Tasks widget

Lists the watched tasks. Users can navigate to specific tasks, and sort the watched tasks list from the widget.