Examples - Run An Existing Task (Programmatic)

This VBScript sample shows how to use the programmatic API to run an existing task and interpret the results.

' MICentralAPICOMDemo.vbs - VBScript demonstration of how to use the
' COM version of the MOVEit Automation API.
' This script starts a task, waits for it to complete, and then reports
' information on the task run and the files it transferred.
' If you don't need the file transfer report, consider using the
' fully-supported MOVEit Automation command line client rather than
' writing your own script.
' Copyright © 2001-2020 Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates. All rights reserved.   https://community.progress.com/s/
' Typical output from this script:
' Starting task Monthly Reports
' Task Monthly Reports has started
' TaskName             = Monthly Reports
' TaskID               = 133254349
' TaskNominalStartTime = 2006-04-20 16:04:23
' TaskTimeEnded        = 2006-04-20 16:04:24
' TaskErrorCode        = 0
' TaskErrorDescription =
' --- Information about the task run as a whole: ---
' TotalBytesSent = 36350
' --- Information about the individual file transfers: ---
' Sent c:\tmp\two\test1.ggg (33408 bytes)
' Sent c:\tmp\two\test1.hhh (2942 bytes)

Option Explicit

Sub ShowMsg(MyText)
   WScript.Stdout.WriteLine MyText
End Sub

'--- Sub ShowTaskRunInfo ---------------------------------------
' Shows information about a completed task run--information
' about the task run as a whole.
Sub ShowTaskRunInfo(oAPI, WaitResult)
   Dim strXMLTask, xmlDoc, oNode
   ' Fetch the information from MOVEit Automation, in XML format.
   strXMLTask = oAPI.GetTaskRunInfoXML(WaitResult)

   Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
   Set oNode = xmlDoc.selectSingleNode("/Records/Record/TotalBytesSent")
   ShowMsg ""
   ShowMsg "--- Information about the task run as a whole: ---"
   ShowMsg "TotalBytesSent = " & oNode.firstChild.nodeValue
End Sub

'--- Sub ShowTaskTransfers -------------------------------------
' Shows information about files transferred by a task run.
Sub ShowTaskTransfers(oAPI, WaitResult)
   Dim strXMLXfers, xmlDoc, fileNode, Action, DestFilename, NBytes
   ' Fetch the information from MOVEit Automation, in XML format.
   strXMLXfers = oAPI.GetTaskRunXfersXML(WaitResult)

   Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("msxml2.DOMDocument")
   ShowMsg ""
   ShowMsg "--- Information about the individual file transfers: ---"

   ' Loop through each file transfer record.
   ' Remember that there may be multiple records per transfer;
   ' in particular, a "get" and a "send" records for each.
   For Each fileNode In xmlDoc.selectNodes("/Records/Record")
      Action = fileNode.selectSingleNode("./Action").firstChild.nodeValue
      ' List only send records.
      If Action="send" Then
         DestFilename = fileNode.selectSingleNode("./DestFilename").firstChild.nodeValue
         NBytes = fileNode.selectSingleNode("./NBytes").firstChild.nodeValue
         ShowMsg "Sent " & DestFilename & " (" & NBytes & " bytes)"
      End If
End Sub

Sub Main()
   Dim oAPI, TaskHnd, WaitResult, TaskName, WaitSecs
   Set oAPI = CreateObject("MICentralAPICOM.MICentralAPI")
   If Not oAPI.Connect() Then
      ShowMsg "Can't connect: " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription
      Exit Sub
   End If
   TaskName = "Monthly Reports"
   ShowMsg "Starting task " & TaskName
   ' Start the task.
   TaskHnd = oAPI.StartTask(TaskName, True, "")
   If "" = TaskHnd Then
      ShowMsg "Task " & TaskName & " failed to start"
      ShowMsg oAPI.GetErrorDescription
      Exit Sub
      ShowMsg "Task " & TaskName & " has started"
   End If
   WaitSecs = 120
   ' Wait for the task to complete.
   Set WaitResult = oAPI.WaitForTasks(TaskHnd, WaitSecs)
   ' The task might not have completed within the timeout we selected.
   If Not WaitResult.HasCompletion Then
      ShowMsg "The task has not yet completed"
      ShowMsg "TaskName             = " & WaitResult.TaskName
      ShowMsg "TaskID               = " & WaitResult.TaskID
      ShowMsg "TaskNominalStartTime = " & WaitResult.TaskNominalStartTime
      ShowMsg "TaskTimeEnded        = " & WaitResult.TaskTimeEnded
      ShowMsg "TaskErrorCode        = " & WaitResult.TaskErrorCode
      ShowMsg "TaskErrorDescription = " & WaitResult.TaskErrorDescription

      ShowTaskRunInfo oAPI, WaitResult
      ShowTaskTransfers oAPI, WaitResult
   End If
End Sub
