Examples - Show Running Tasks

This VBScript example shows how to use the "ShowRunningTasks" function to find out what tasks are currently running. Remember that this call can only be made by users in the MOVEit Log and/or MOVEit Admin groups.

VBScript Code

Option Explicit

' Writes out a single task status
Sub DumpTaskStatus(oAPI, StatusXML, iii)
  ShowMsg "===== " & oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "TaskName", iii) & _
    " (" & _
    oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "TaskID", iii)  & _
    ") ====="
  ShowMsg "=  Started : " & oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "TimeStarted", iii) & _
    " (" & _
    oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "StartedBy", iii)  & _
  Dim ShortStatus
  ShortStatus = oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "Status", iii)
  if Len(ShortStatus) > 50 then ShortStatus = Mid(ShortStatus, 1, 50) & "..."
  ShowMsg "=  Status  : " & ShortStatus
  if oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "TotFileBytes", iii) > 0 then
    ShowMsg "=  Transfer: " & oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "CurFileBytes", iii) & _
      " of " & _
      oAPI.GetValue(StatusXML, "TotFileBytes", iii)  & _
      " bytes"
  end if
End Sub

'  Echo a message to the console
Sub ShowMsg(MyText)
  Dim TheSplit
  TheSplit = Split(Now()," ")
  WScript.Echo TheSplit(1) & " - " & MyText
End Sub

'  Echo a message to the console along with last API error (if any)
Sub ShowMsg2(MyText,oAPI)
  Dim TheSplit
  TheSplit = Split(Now()," ")
  if oAPI.GetErrorCode = 0 then
    WScript.Echo TheSplit(1) & " - " & MyText
    WScript.Echo TheSplit(1) & " - " & MyText & " Error#" & oAPI.GetErrorCode & ": " & oAPI.GetErrorDescription
  end if
End Sub

'---  Sub Main  ------------------------------------------------
Sub Main
   ShowMsg "showrunningtasks.vbs running"

   Dim bOK
   Dim TaskHnd, WaitResult, TaskName, WaitSecs
   Dim oAPI
   Set oAPI = CreateObject("MICentralAPICOM.MICentralAPI")


   bOK = oAPI.Connect()
   if NOT bOK then
     ShowMsg2 "Could not sign on to MOVEit Automation!",oAPI
     Exit Sub
   end if
   ShowMsg("Running API version " & oAPI.GetAPIVersion() & _
     " on Central version " & oAPI.GetCentralVersion() )

   Dim reply, HTab, TaskCount, iii
   HTab = chr(9)
   reply = oAPI.ShowRunningTasks()
   reply = Replace(reply, HTab, "  ")  ' Remove tabs for readability
   If "" = reply OR oAPI.GetErrorCode > 0 Then
   	 ShowMsg2 "Failed to get status: ", oAPI
         Exit Sub
         TaskCount = UBound(Split(reply,"<Task>"))  ' Count how many tasks are running
         ShowMsg "Scheduler Status: " & oAPI.GetValue(reply, "SchedulerStatus", 1)
         ShowMsg "Tasks Running: " & TaskCount
         if TaskCount > 0 then
           for iii = 1 to TaskCount
             DumpTaskStatus oAPI, reply, iii
           next 'iii
         end if
         ShowMsg "Full XML Reply: " & reply
   End If

   ShowMsg "showrunningtasks.vbs stopped"

End Sub


Sample Output (With Proper Credentials)

5:01:31 - showrunningtasks.vbs running
5:08:16 - Running API version on Central version
5:01:31 - Scheduler Status: On
5:01:31 - Tasks Running: 3
5:01:31 - ===== Disk Cache Clear Test 1b (104874969) =====
5:01:31 - =  Started : 2007-10-19 17:01:28 (Via NextTask)
5:01:31 - =  Status  : Running script Sleep
5:01:31 - ===== Disk Cache Clear Test 3a (208385491) =====
5:01:31 - =  Started : 2007-10-19 17:01:26 (Via NextTask)
5:01:31 - =  Status  : Copying d:/temp/diskcachetest3/MOVEitDMZ.chm from ...
5:01:31 - =  Transfer: 720896 of 1689452 bytes
5:01:31 - ===== Disk Cache Clear Test 2a (659952116) =====
5:01:31 - =  Started : 2007-10-19 17:01:26 (Via NextTask)
5:01:31 - =  Status  : Copying d:/temp/diskcachetest2/MIDMZ22.exe from fi...
5:01:31 - =  Transfer: 5695488 of 5695488 bytes
5:01:31 - Full XML Reply: 
  <Time>2007-10-19 17:01:31</Time>
        <TaskName>Disk Cache Clear Test 1b</TaskName>
        <NominalStart>2007-10-19 17:01:28</NominalStart>
        <TimeStarted>2007-10-19 17:01:28</TimeStarted>
        <StartedBy>Via NextTask</StartedBy>
        <Status>Running script Sleep</Status>
        <TaskName>Disk Cache Clear Test 3a</TaskName>
        <NominalStart>2007-10-19 17:01:26</NominalStart>
        <TimeStarted>2007-10-19 17:01:26</TimeStarted>
        <StartedBy>Via NextTask</StartedBy>
        <Status>Copying d:/temp/diskcachetest3/MOVEitDMZ.chm from filesystem</Status>
        <TaskName>Disk Cache Clear Test 2a</TaskName>
        <NominalStart>2007-10-19 17:01:26</NominalStart>
        <TimeStarted>2007-10-19 17:01:26</TimeStarted>
        <StartedBy>Via NextTask</StartedBy>
        <Status>Copying d:/temp/diskcachetest2/MIDMZ22.exe from filesystem</Status>

5:01:31 - showrunningtasks.vbs stopped

Sample Output (Without Proper Credentials)

5:08:15 - showrunningtasks.vbs running
5:08:16 - Running API version on Central version
5:08:16 - Failed to get status:  Error#2020: You do not have sufficient permissi
ons for this command.