XML Document Formats - Task Configuration - Sources and Destinations

These attributes are common to sources and destinations.  Most attributes apply to only a few host types.

AttributeDescription Hosts
AB"ascii" or "binary" transfer mode. Used only if UseDefAB is 1.  FTP
AccountAccount name.  Rarely used.  FTP
AddComAdditional commands ("quote" commands) sent before each transfer.  FTP
AddComAXAdditional commands ("quote" commands) sent after each transfer.  FTP
ClientCertSHA1The SHA1 hash of the client certificate.  Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0. DMZ, FTP
ClientCertStoreThe store name (typically "My") of the client certificate.  Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0.   DMZ, FTP
ClientCertSubjectThe subject name of the client certificate.  Nowadays, the use of ClientCertSHA1 is preferred.  Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0.   DMZ, FTP
ClientKeyIDThe ID of the SSH key, if any.  SSH
ConnTimeoutSecs Number of seconds to wait until timing out a connection to the host, in seconds. Applies only if UseDefConnTimeoutSecs is 0. DMZ, FTP, SSH, POP3, SMTP
DataTimeoutSecs Number of seconds to wait until timing out a data transfer to/from the host, in seconds. Applies only if UseDefDataTimeoutSecs is 0. DMZ, FTP, POP3, SMTP
FolderIDThe ID of the folder.   DMZ
FolderNameThe full path of the folder. DMZ
FolderTypeThe numeric type of the folder; -1 for a pseudo folder, 4 for Distribution or 7 for Home folders.  DMZ
HostIDThe numeric ID of the Host node to which this source or destination applies. All
IDArbitrary ID used by MOVEit Automation Admin to identify this node. All
MDNPathThe path to where the MDN will be stored.  Applies only to AS3 hosts. AS3
Passive 1 to use passive mode, else 0 to use active mode. Applies only if UseDefPassive is 0. FTP
PasswordEncrypted password. Most
PathThe full path to the folder. FTP, SSH, Filesystem
RetryCountThe number of retries.  Applies only if UseDefRetryCount is 0. All
RetryTimeoutSecsThe number of seconds between retries.  Applies only if UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs is 0. All
ReuseSSL 1 to re-use an existing SSL session, else 0. Applies only if UseDefReuseSSL is 0. FTP
Rsm 1 to resume previous transfers, else 0. Applies only if UseDefRsm is 0. FTP, SSH
TypeThe type of the source or destination:  siLock (means MOVEit DMZ), FTP, SSHFTP, FileSystem, SMTP, POP3, AS1, AS2, or AS3. All
UseDefAB1 to use the host's default ASCII vs. binary setting, else 0. FTP
UseDefClientCert1 to use the host's default client certificate, else 0. DMZ, FTP
UseDefClientKey1 to use the host's default SSH key, else 0. SSH
UseDefConnTimeoutSecs 1 to use host's default connection timeout, else 0. DMZ, FTP, SSH, POP3, SMTP
UseDefDataTimeoutSecs 1 to use host's default data transfer timeout, else 0. DMZ, FTP, POP3, SMTP
UseDefPassive1 to use the host's default active vs. passive setting, else 0. FTP
UseDefRetryCount1 to use the host's default retry count, else 0. All
UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs1 to use the host's default retry timeout, else 0. All
UseDefReuseSSL 1 to use host's default re-use SSL sessions setting, else 0. FTP
UseDefRsm 1 to use host's default resume failed transfers setting, else 0. FTP, SSH
UseDefUser1 to use the host's default username, else 0. Most
UseDefWinCopyFileAPI 1 to use the host's default setting for whether to use the Windows CopyFile API, else 0. Share
UseDefXS 1 to use the host's default setting for whether to use the XSHA1 command, else 0. FTP
UseWinCopyFileAPI 1 to use the Windows CopyFile API, else 0. Applies only if UseDefPassive is 0. Share
UsernameThe username to login as.  Applies only if UseDefUser is 0. Most
XS 1 to use XSHA1 command with host, else 0. Applies only if UseDefXS is 0. FTP

Sources have the following XML attributes in addition to those common to sources and destinations:

AttributeDescription Hosts
BlindDL1 if this is a blind download.  Applies only if UseDefBlindDL is 0.  Applies only to FTP and SSH hosts. FTP, SSH
DeleteOrig1 means delete orig after successful processing.
2 means rename the original after successful processing.
DelRename1 means delete "to" filename before rename. Applies only DeleteOrig is 2. All
DownloadGroupA value of Collection means download DMZ bundle. DMZ
ExFile Exclude these files (mask) All
ExFoExclude these folders (mask) All
FileMaskFilemask for file selection. May include ";" as an OR operator, and also ampersand--see doc All
Format"CSV" or "XML"; only if bundle. DMZ
MxByThe maximum number of bytes that we may download.  0 means infinite.  Applies only if UDMxBy is 0. All
MxFiThe maximum number of files that we may download.  0 means infinite.  Applies only if UDMxFi is 0. All
MD5FileThe filename of the MD5 file, if MD5 files are being used.  Applies only if UseDefMD5File is 0.   FTP, SSH
MD5Get"IfPresent", "Required", or "Never".  Determines whether to download and process an MD5 file.  Applies only if UseDefMD5Get is 0.   FTP, SSH
MDNFilenameToSendFilename to send MDN file as for AS3, after receive. AS3
NewFilesOnly1 means look for new files only. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
PartnerNameASx partner name, when configured in the source. AS1, AS2, AS3
RenameToFilename to which this should be renamed; applies only if DeleteOrig=2. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
RescanSecsThe number of seconds to wait before rescanning the directory, to see whether files have changed.  Applies only if UseDefRescanSecs is 0.  FTP, SSH, Filesystem
RetryIfNoFiles1 means rescan the source if no files were found. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
SearchSubdirs1 means recursive directory listing. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
SortHow to sort filenames.  This is a string of form 1,2 where 1 is Date, Size or Filename and 2 is A or D (for Ascending or Descending).  Applies only if UseDefSort is 0.   DMZ
SubjectMatchAS1 email subject mask. AS1
SyDel Describes whether to synchronize deletions in a sync task.
  • 0 means that no files will be deleted.
  • 1 means that files which go missing from the source so marked should be deleted from the other source. It is expected that Admin will select this by default on both sources when setting up a Sync task.
  • 2 means that in addition to #1, for unidirectional A to B sync, any extra files that materialize on B will be deleted if there is no matching file on A.
DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
SyF1 means sync from this source; only applies to Sync tasks. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
SyT1 means sync to this source; only applies to Sync tasks. One-way sync tasks have 1 source with SyF=1 and one with SyT=1. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
UDMxByUse default maximum bytes from host. Defaults to 1. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
UDMxFiUse default maximum files from host. Defaults to 1. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
Unzip1 means unzip the file and process the resulting members, but only if the filename ends in ".zip". All
UseDefBlindDL1 to use the host's default blind download setting, else 0. FTP, SSH
UseDefMD5File1 to use the host's default MD5 filename, else 0. FTP, SSH
UseDefMD5Get1 to use the host's default setting whether to download an MD5 file, else 0. FTP, SSH
UseDefPartnerFor ASx only, 1 means to use partner name from host AS1, AS2, AS3
UseDefRescanSecs1 to use the host's default time between rescans, else 0. FTP, SSH, Filesystem
UseDefSort1 to use the host's default directory sort, else 0. DMZ
UseLCaseComp 1 to use case-insensitive filename comparison for Sync tasks, else 0; only applies to Sync tasks. All

Destinations have the following attributes in addition to those common to sources and destinations:

AttributeDescription Hosts
AddressToEmail address of recipient.  SMTP
FileNameThe desired name on the destination.  Applies only if UseOrigName is 0. All
ForceDir1 to force the creation of the destination folder if it does not exist. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
MDNFileMaskToPollFilemask to poll for the message disposition notification. AS1, AS2, AS3
MessageThe optional body of the email message.  SMTP
OverwriteOrig1 to allow the overwrite of an existing file with the same name. DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
RequestMDN1 to request an MDN to be returned. AS1, AS2, AS3
RequestAsyncMDN1 to request that the MDN be asynchronous. AS1, AS2, AS3
SubjectThe optional subject of the email message. SMTP
UseOrigName1 if the file on the destination should have the same name as it had on the source.  All
UseRelativeSubdirs1 if files in subfolders on the source should be sent to the same subfolders on the destination.  Applies only if the source had SearchSubdirs="1". DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem
Zip1 if the file should be zipped before sent.  If you set this, you will probably want to set UseOrigName="0" and choose a FileName which ends in .zip. All