Configuring Tasks - Processes/Scripts - Built-In - PGP Encrypt Only

"PGP Encrypt Only" Encrypts (but does not sign) a file using PGP. This built-in script will only be active if a valid MOVEit Central PGP License is available.

Normally, this script should be run as a per-file process. If run as a per-task process, it will encrypt the last file added to the cache. Thus, this script can be chained with a script like ZipAdvanced.

See MOVEit Central PGP documentation for much more information.

Input Parameters

PGPRecipientKey (Required) - The key of the recipient. A PGP key selection pop-up will be provided for this value. Multiple recipients are allowed.

PGPASCIIArmor - True if the output file should be ASCII-armored, else False for binary. The default, if not specified, is False.

PGPTextMode - True if the output file should be encoded for automatic text mode conversion. The default, if not specified, is False.

For the symmetric encryption algorithm (e.g., AES256 or 3DES), MOVEit Central will use the algorithm associated with the first recipient's key.