Configuring Tasks - Processes/Scripts - Built-In - Zip Advanced

"Zip Advanced" zips one or more files into a single archive with a configurable level of compression and an optional ZIP password.

Use "Zip Advanced" instead of the destination-level "Zip" checkbox if any of the following zip features are needed.

Input Parameters

ZipAdvanced_Password - Specifies an optional password to apply to the Zip file. Default value is blank, which indicates no password is to set on the Zip archive. (CAUTION: Using a password to defend a Zip archive is not usually enough protection to thwart a determined hacker.)

ZipAdvanced_Compression - Specifies the level of compression. (More compression takes more time.) The default level is "Normal". Other values include "None", "Low" and "High". All levels involve vendor-neutral Zip compression standards; you should not run into incompatibilities with one level or another.

Output Parameters

ZipFileSize - Number of bytes in the zip file. This and other size parameters will only be populated if the Zip file is successfully created.

ZipFileSizeKB - Number of kilobytes (KB) in the zip file.

ZipFileSizeMB - Number of megabytes (MB) in the zip file.

ZipFileSizeGB - Number of gigabytes (GB) in the zip file.


Zip Advanced will recursively include subfolders in its archives if the "Include Subfolders" option has been set on any task sources.

Zip Advanced requires that the task-level "Cache Files" option be set to "Use Original Names". This option may be set by selecting "Edit Task Info..." from a task's "right-click" menu.

This built-in script may be run per-file or once-after-all-files. This built-in script may not be run as the first step of a task.

Example #1

Al would like to download several "*.rpt" files from an FTP server, include a "readme" from his local computer and zip the entire package together in a highly compressed Zip archive.

To accomplish this with MOVEit Central, Al should...

  1. Create a new task with a source, process, destination and schedule.
  2. Point his new source to his FTP server and use "*.rpt" as his file mask.
  3. Select "Zip Advanced" as his process
  4. Set process parameters:
    • ZipAdvanced_Compression = "High"
    • Run = "Once After All Downloads"
  5. Add a second source to the task and point it at the local "readme.txt" file.

Al's final task will have two sources (one FTP server and one local), the Zip Advanced process (set to run after material is downloaded from all sources), and whatever destination Al deems necessary.