Monitoring Tasks - Related Settings

There are several settings in MOVEit Central's "Central Config" program and MOVEit Central Admin which control what information is actually recorded by MOVEit Central.

"Central Config" Settings

The only monitor setting set in the "Central Config" program is the ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) of the database to which MOVEit Central writes all its task statistics. (More information about the exact format of this database is found in the "Advanced Topics" section.) Normally the value of this setting is "MICStats".

System Settings

MOVEit Central Admin's monitor settings are found on the Edit System Settings dialog, which can be accessed from the Settings menu by clicking the System Settings option. The settings are grouped with related settings in tabs. There are also a number of other settings here that control how MOVEit Central works.

Debug Log

systemsettings_debuglog.png (8192 bytes)

Windows Event Log

systemsettings_eventlog.png (7386 bytes)

Tamper Detection

systemsettings_tamperdetection.png (8192 bytes)

Task Runs

systemsettings_taskruns.png (12288 bytes)

Polling Intervals

systemsettings_pollingintervals.png (8192 bytes)

AS2 Log Directory

If the AS1/AS2/AS3 module is licensed, the additional AS2 Log Directory tab appears on the System Settings dialog.

systemsettings_AS2tab.png (8192 bytes)