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Header ID

"Header ID" reads a text string on the first (Header) line of a file from a set character position. A new task parameter called HeaderID_Value can be used for integration into MOVEit Central tasks.

Input Parameters

Output Parameter

Example #1

Bill would like to read a value from the first line of a file starting in column 1 and continuing 8 characters and then use this text string to rename the file on the task's destination (with a date stamp extension).

To integrate this application with MOVEit Central, Bill should...

  1. Create a new task with a source, process, destination and schedule.
  2. Select "Header ID" as his process
  3. Set process parameters:
  4. Edit the Destination to set FileName to [Parm:HeaderID_Value].[YYYY][MM][DD]

Example #2

Cheryl would like to read a value from the first line starting in column 5 and continuing 6 characters. She wants to discard this first line and use the HeaderID_Value in conjunction with a LookUp process to find which folder on a FTP server each respective file should go.

To integrate this application with MOVEit Central, Cheryl should...

  1. Create a new task with a source, process, destination and schedule.
  2. Select "Header ID" as her 1st process
  3. Set the Header ID process parameters:
  4. Add a second process, choosing the built in "Look Up" script
  5. Set the Look Up process parameters:
  6. Edit the Destination to set Folder to [Parm:LookUp_Value]