This script does not require any PGP key parameters. An encrypted PGP file "self-describes" itself to the point where MOVEit Central can figure out what settings it needs to decrypt the file as long as the appropriate PGP keys have been set up in MOVEit Central.
Input Parameters
PGPPreserveName - Set this to "True" if the name of the unencrypted file that results from the PGP Decrypt process should be based on the "preserved" name also passed in the encrypted PGP file. (Not all PGP packages preserve original file names, so this option is not on by default.)
PGPPreferredDecryptionKey - If there are a large number of private keys available to MOVEit Central, set this parameter to the preferred key to use for decrypting files. This key will be used first to decrypt files handed to the script. If decryption fails, the rest of the available keys will be used in turn to attempt to decrypt the file.
PGPCheckSignature - Set this to "True" if the signature should be checked (requires that the message be signed). As not all PGP encrypted files are also "signed," this option is not on by default.