Now that MOVEit Central can access TWO hosts (the one you just defined plus the local filesystem), it is time to build a task to exchange files between them. Click over to the "Tasks" tab and perform the following steps.
Click the "Add Task..." button - In response to your click a new dialog will appear. Select "traditional" task here rather than "synchronization" task.
Enter and Task Name and Select Your Task Elements using the first dialog. You should make sure the default values of "Source", "Destination" and "Schedule" are checked. Click "OK" to continue.
Define a Source using the next dialog. First, select the type of host you wish to access. Please select "Load from local folder..." for this example; the second drop-down will be grayed out at this point. Click "OK" to continue.
DefineSource Details using the next dialog which appears. Like the host details dialog you encountered earlier, the exact appearance of this dialog will be determined by the type of host you are accessing, and there are many options. For this example, simply use the "Browse..." button to select a local folder containing only a few harmless items and then press the "OK" button.
Define a Destination using the next dialog. You will again be prompted to select the type of host you wish to transfer to. For this example, select the type of host you just added and then make sure the specific host you just added is selected in the second drop-down box. Click "OK" to continue.
DefineDestination Details using the next dialog. Again, the exact appearance of this dialog will vary depending on the destination type, but for our example we can take most of the defaults presented. One critical change we will want to make, however, is the file path. Use the "Browse..." button to select an appropriate path on the remote host and press "OK" when done. (If you encounter problems connecting to the remote host with the browse button, double-check your username/password credentials and the IP address/hostname on your host definition.)
Define aSchedule using the next dialog. First select a day of the week and press the related "Add" button. Then select a single time and press its related "Add" button. Notice your changes are displayed in red text in the "result" panel. When you have provided information to constitute a legal schedule, the "OK" button will be activated. Press it to continue.
Do NOT Run Task Now using the next dialog. We want to step back and take a quick look at our new task before proceeding. (We will run and monitor it in the next section.)
Your new task should look similar to the following example.
Notice the yellow down arrow indicates a "download from filesystem host" step, the green up arrow indicates an "upload into MOVEit DMZ" step and the stopwatch icon represents a schedule. Also note that this task has a green checkmark on it, indicating that it is "ready and scheduled" and will be run by the MOVEit Central at the scheduled time. (Tasks with "pause icons" will not be run by MOVEit Central at scheduled times, but may sometimes be run manually.)