The Reports window provides many options that are available for each report type, as well as some options which are specific to each report.
Display: Selects the type of information to display in the report window. Available options are "Task Runs", "File/Folder Activity", and "Audit". See the Report Types following section for more information about each report type.
Task Filter: Allows the user to use the same task filter currently in use by the main MOVEit Central Admin window to filter the reports display. When the Use Current option is selected, the current task filter will be applied. The current task filter is displayed in the textbox next to these options, and an Edit Task Filter button is available as well, when the Use Current option is selected.
Time Filter: Displays the current date/time filter being applied to the reports display. Editing of both this and the report-type-specific filter can be done by clicking the Edit Filter button. By default, the time filter is set to show entries starting at midnight on the current day, however this behavior can be disabled by turning off the Default Report Range Is Today option from the Options menu. Also, viewing entries for a specific task, host, or script by right-clicking the element and selecting one of the View Entries options will reset the time filter to show all entries.
Report-Type-Specific Filter: Displays the current report-type-specific filter being applied to the reports display. Editing of both this and the date/time filter can be done by clicking the Edit Filter button.
Clear Selected: Marks all currently selected task runs as Cleared. If the Hide Cleared Entries report filter option is set, cleared task runs will not be displayed in the task runs report. Task runs may be selected by clicking the checkbox for the task run data row. Checkboxes will only be visible when the Hide Cleared Task Runs option is enabled.
Select/Unselect All: Selects or unselects all currently listed task runs.
Hide Cleared Task Runs Option Disabled:
Clear + Show New: Clicking this button will clear the current reports display and change the current report-type-specific filter to only show entries with entry IDs greater than the currently most recent entry. This button is useful for clearing out entries that no longer interest the user so they can more easily focus on new entries that arrive.
Reset Filter: Resets the current report filter back to its default value.
Right-Click Options
Shared Options: These options are present regardless of the report type that is currently selected.
View ... Details: If a data entry is selected, the right-click menu will include a specific View ... Details option, which will open a details window for the currently selected entry. The details window can also be opened by double-clicking a data entry in the File/Folder Activity and Audit report views.
Select Columns: This option will be present regardless of whether a data entry is present or selected, and allows the user to specify which columns will be displayed in the reports display. The selected column list for each report type will be stored in the registry for the current user and remembered the next time MOVEit Central Admin is run.
Task Runs Options: These options are present when the selected report type is Task Runs and a data entry is selected.
View Task Run File Activity: Changes the selected report type to File/Folder Activity and sets the file activity filter to the specific task run selected. The resulting report display will show all the file transfer activities that the selected task run performed. This action can also be triggered by double-clicking a data entry.
Run/Stop/Kill Task Now: For non-running tasks, the Run Task Now option will be present which will command Central to run the task immediately. For running tasks, the Stop Task Now option will be present which will command Central to stop the task as soon as possible. For running tasks for which a Stop Task Now command has already been executed, the Kill Task Now option will be present which will forcibly remove the task run from the list of running tasks and audit log the fact that the task run has ended.
Edit Task: Switches focus back to the main MOVEit Central Admin window, changes to the Tasks tab, and selects the task which the selected task run entry references.
View Task Runs: Changes the task runs filter to show only task runs of the same task as the specific task run selected. The resulting report display will show all the task runs of the same task as the selected task run.
View Task File Activity: Changes the selected report type to File/Folder Activity and sets the file activity filter to the task of the specific task run selected. The resulting report display will show all the file transfer activities for all of the task runs of the same task as the selected task run.
File/Folder Activity Options: These options are present when the selected report type is File/Folder Activity and a data entry is selected.
Back to Task Runs: Changes the selected report type to Task Runs. The most recently used task runs filter will be applied.
Edit Task: Switches focus back to the main MOVEit Central Admin window, changes to the Tasks tab, and selects the task which the selected file/folder activity entry references.
View Task File Activity: Changes the file/folder activity filter to the task which the specific file/folder activity entry references. The resulting report display will show all the file transfer activities for all of the task runs of the task which the selected file/folder activity entry references.
Audit Options: These options are present when the selected report type is Audit and a data entry is selected.
Edit Task/Host/Script: If a selected audit entry references a specific task, host, or script, this option will be present and will switch focus back to the main MOVEit Central Admin window, switch to whatever tab the element is displayed in, and select the referenced element.
Refresh Every X Seconds: This value determines how often the current data will refresh itself. The configured value will be remembered across MOVEit Central Admin sessions.
Pause/Resume: Pauses or resumes the data refresh.
Refresh: Causes the data to refresh immediately.
Export: Exports the current data in a user-selected format. Available formats are CSV (comma-separated values), and XML. If CSV is chosen, the delimiter character and the text-qualifier character will be editable.