Task Runs
Task Runs reports include information about when a task ran, and what the result was.
Available report columns are:
- Log Time: Date and time the entry was logged
- Scheduled Time: Date and time the task run was scheduled to run
- Start Time: Actual date and time the task run started
- End Time: Actual date and time the task run ended
- Node: MOVEit Central failover node number
- Task Name: Name of the entry's associated task
- Task ID: Numeric ID of the entry's associated task
- Log ID: Log entry's unique, numeric ID
- Started By: Whether or not the task was started manually
- Status: Whether or not the attempt succeeded
- Files: Count of all files uploaded to various destinations by the task run
- Bytes: Total size of all files uploaded to various destinations by the task run
- Status Code: Numeric error code (or 0 if no error)
- Status Message: Error or status message