The following are advanced options that are specific to the AS1 host.
SMTP server is different from POP3 server - When this option is checked, MOVEit Central will use the SMTP server information configured here for sending email messages to the partner. Otherwise, MOVEit Central will use the POP3 server configured in the Transport section of the host as the SMTP server as well.
SMTP Server - The hostname or IP address of the SMTP server.
SMTP Port - The TCP port of the SMTP server.
SMTP Auth Method - The authentication method MOVEit Central should use to authenticate to the SMTP server. Supported authentication methods are Auth and CRAM-MD5. If None is selected, no authentication will be attempted.
SMTP Username - The username MOVEit Central should use to authenticate to the SMTP server.
SMTP Password - The password MOVEit Central should use to authenticate to the SMTP server.
MDN Poll Count - The number of times MOVEit Central will poll the POP3 server for an MDN message from the partner after an EDI data message has been sent to the partner. The default value is 10.
MDN Poll Timeout - The number of seconds MOVEit Central should wait between MDN polls. The default value is 30 seconds.
Pause X seconds before rerunning successful task - Since AS1, AS2, and AS3 file transfers operate one file at a time, MOVEit Central repeats the task after a successful file transfer in order to catch any other files that also need to be processed. This value causes MOVEit Central to delay for the indicated number of seconds before running the task again after a successful transfer.