These attributes are common to sources and destinations. Most attributes apply to only a few host types.
Attribute | Description | Hosts |
AB | "ascii" or "binary" transfer mode. Used only if UseDefAB is 1. | FTP |
Account | Account name. Rarely used. | FTP |
AddCom | Additional commands ("quote" commands) sent before each transfer. | FTP |
AddComAX | Additional commands ("quote" commands) sent after each transfer. | FTP |
ClientCertSHA1 | The SHA1 hash of the client certificate. Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0. | DMZ, FTP |
ClientCertStore | The store name (typically "My") of the client certificate. Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0. | DMZ, FTP |
ClientCertSubject | The subject name of the client certificate. Nowadays, the use of ClientCertSHA1 is preferred. Applies only if UseDefClientCert is 0. | DMZ, FTP |
ClientKeyID | The ID of the SSH key, if any. | SSH |
FolderID | The ID of the folder. | DMZ |
FolderName | The full path of the folder. | DMZ |
FolderType | The numeric type of the folder; -1 for a pseudo folder, 4 for Distribution or 7 for Home folders. | DMZ |
HostID | The numeric ID of the Host node to which this source or destination applies. | All |
ID | Arbitrary ID used by MOVEit Central Admin to identify this node. | All |
MDNPath | The path to where the MDN will be stored. Applies only to AS3 hosts. | AS3 |
Passive | "passive" or "active". Applies only if UseDefPassive is 0. | FTP |
Password | Encrypted password. | Most |
Path | The full path to the folder. | FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
RetryCount | The number of retries. Applies only if UseDefRetryCount is 0. | All |
RetryTimeoutSecs | The number of seconds between retries. Applies only if UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs is 0. | All |
Type | The type of the source or destination: siLock (means MOVEit DMZ), FTP, SSHFTP, FileSystem, SMTP, POP3, AS1, AS2, or AS3. | All |
UseDefAB | 1 to use the host's default ASCII vs. binary setting, else 0. | FTP |
UseDefClientCert | 1 to use the host's default client certificate, else 0. | DMZ, FTP |
UseDefClientKey | 1 to use the host's default SSH key, else 0. | SSH |
UseDefPassive | 1 to use the host's default active vs. passive setting, else 0. | FTP |
UseDefRetryCount | 1 to use the host's default retry count, else 0. | All |
UseDefRetryTimeoutSecs | 1 to use the host's default retry timeout, else 0. | All |
UseDefUser | 1 to use the host's default username, else 0. | Most |
Username | The username to login as. Applies only if UseDefUser is 0. | Most |
Sources have the following XML attributes in addition to those common to sources and destinations:
Attribute | Description | Hosts |
BlindDL | 1 if this is a blind download. Applies only if UseDefBlindDL is 0. Applies only to FTP and SSH hosts. | FTP, SSH |
DeleteOrig | 1 means delete orig after successful processing. 2 means rename the original after successful processing. |
All |
DelRename | 1 means delete "to" filename before rename. Applies only DeleteOrig is 2. | All |
DownloadGroup | A value of Collection means download DMZ bundle. | DMZ |
ExFile | Exclude these files (mask) | All |
ExFo | Exclude these folders (mask) | All |
FileMask | Filemask for file selection. May include ";" as an OR operator, and also ampersand--see doc | All |
Format | "CSV" or "XML"; only if bundle. | DMZ |
MxBy | The maximum number of bytes that we may download. 0 means infinite. Applies only if UDMxBy is 0. | All |
MxFi | The maximum number of files that we may download. 0 means infinite. Applies only if UDMxFi is 0. | All |
MD5File | The filename of the MD5 file, if MD5 files are being used. Applies only if UseDefMD5File is 0. | FTP, SSH |
MD5Get | "IfPresent", "Required", or "Never". Determines whether to download and process an MD5 file. Applies only if UseDefMD5Get is 0. | FTP, SSH |
MDNFilenameToSend | Filename to send MDN file as for AS3, after receive. | AS3 |
NewFilesOnly | 1 means look for new files only. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
PartnerName | ASx partner name, when configured in the source. | AS1, AS2, AS3 |
RenameTo | Filename to which this should be renamed; applies only if DeleteOrig=2. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
RescanSecs | The number of seconds to wait before rescanning the directory, to see whether files have changed. Applies only if UseDefRescanSecs is 0. | FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
RetryIfNoFiles | 1 means rescan the source if no files were found. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
SearchSubdirs | 1 means recursive directory listing. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
Sort | How to sort filenames. This is a string of form 1,2 where 1 is Date, Size or Filename and 2 is A or D (for Ascending or Descending). Applies only if UseDefSort is 0. | DMZ |
SubjectMatch | AS1 email subject mask. | AS1 |
SyDel |
Describes whether to synchronize deletions in a sync task.
DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
SyF | 1 means sync from this source; only applies to Sync tasks. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
SyT | 1 means sync to this source; only applies to Sync tasks. One-way sync tasks have 1 source with SyF=1 and one with SyT=1. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
UDMxBy | Use default maximum bytes from host. Defaults to 1. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
UDMxFi | Use default maximum files from host. Defaults to 1. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
Unzip | 1 means unzip the file and process the resulting members, but only if the filename ends in ".zip". | All |
UseDefBlindDL | 1 to use the host's default blind download setting, else 0. | FTP, SSH |
UseDefMD5File | 1 to use the host's default MD5 filename, else 0. | FTP, SSH |
UseDefMD5Get | 1 to use the host's default setting whether to download an MD5 file, else 0. | FTP, SSH |
UseDefPartner | For ASx only, 1 means to use partner name from host | AS1, AS2, AS3 |
UseDefRescanSecs | 1 to use the host's default time between rescans, else 0. | FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
UseDefSort | 1 to use the host's default directory sort, else 0. | DMZ |
Destinations have the following attributes in addition to those common to sources and destinations:
Attribute | Description | Hosts |
AddressTo | Email address of recipient. | SMTP |
FileName | The desired name on the destination. Applies only if UseOrigName is 0. | All |
ForceDir | 1 to force the creation of the destination folder if it does not exist. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
MDNFileMaskToPoll | Filemask to poll for the message disposition notification. | AS1, AS2, AS3 |
Message | The optional body of the email message. | SMTP |
OverwriteOrig | 1 to allow the overwrite of an existing file with the same name. | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
RequestMDN | 1 to request an MDN to be returned. | AS1, AS2, AS3 |
RequestAsyncMDN | 1 to request that the MDN be asynchronous. | AS1, AS2, AS3 |
Subject | The optional subject of the email message. | SMTP |
UseOrigName | 1 if the file on the destination should have the same name as it had on the source. | All |
UseRelativeSubdirs | 1 if files in subfolders on the source should be sent to the same subfolders on the destination. Applies only if the source had SearchSubdirs="1". | DMZ, FTP, SSH, Filesystem |
Zip | 1 if the file should be zipped before sent. If you set this, you will probably want to set UseOrigName="0" and choose a FileName which ends in .zip. | All |