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Adding a New Advanced Task

This topic describes how to add a new Advanced Task from scratch. There are many possible configurations of an Advanced Task, so this topic presents the general procedure for adding a new Advanced Task. A second way to create an Advanced Task is by converting a traditional task.

  1. To add a new advanced task, go to the "Tasks" Tab and click the "Add Task ..." button. The Add New Task dialog opens.

  2. Enter a name for the task, select the Advanced Task type, then click OK. The new task is added to the list of tasks (Task tab). This task is marked with a red X to indicate that it cannot yet be run.

  3. To build out the advanced task, right-click the task name and select an element. For more information about the elements used in an advanced task, see the "Right-click menu options" section below.

    Note that the order and placement of a task element determines when it is processed. If you use a File Loop, the element needs to be within the File loop, if it is to be processed as part of the loop. The same is true for an If Block. To place an element in a loop or block, you can right-click the loop or block, then add the element. You can also use the various Move commands to move an element within the task.

    In the example below, the process and the destination are within the File Loop (shown by indenting the process and destination.

  4. When you have the task structure in place, you can run the task to check that it is working the way you want. We suggest using test data for the first run, then checking the logs to see that the task is working as expected.

Right-click menu options