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If Block

An If Block defines a condition, and the set of actions to be performed if that condition is true. Any task element, except a schedule, can appear inside an If Block.

An If Block can be used within a File Loop when you want to test each file, for example, when the If Block is intended to act on source files. However, an If Block can be used to test more than just files; for instance, you can test the values of task parameters.

There are at least two elements required: the condition to be tested (for example "File Name matches *.txt") and the action to be taken if the file meets the condition. Actions include pulling files from a specified source, pushing files to a specified destination, or running a process.

An If block can be configured anywhere within an Advanced Task.

When adding an If Block, there are two settings to configure:

Within an If Block, you can do further conditional processing by using these two elements:

Using Filters

Note:You can use up to 6 filters. A "match all/any" selection controls whether files must match all or just one of the filter criteria.