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Editing Source Timestamps

You can modify the file that MOVEit Automation uses to determine which files are new. For each combination of host, pathname, and filemask, MOVEit Automation stores a date/time stamp of the most recent file in that directory that matches that mask and that has been successfully processed. For MOVEit Transfer, "Windows File System and Shares", FTP, and SSH hosts, MOVEit Automation uses this information to determine whether a file is "new". This allows sources with the "Collect Only New Files" option selected to ignore old files. If you need to transfer a file again, even though it has already been processed successfully, you can edit the timestamp that applied to that file so that the file looks new to MOVEit Automation.

For example, suppose you have a task with a source that scans the FTP host "XYZ FTP Server", looking for files in path "/uploads" matching the mask "*.txt", with the "Collect Only New Files" option selected. Let's say that the task has run, and it transferred the new file report.txt that was last modified on 12 March 2004 at 2:15:00 pm. This would cause MOVEit Automation to create an entry for the host "XYZ FTP Server", path "/uploads", mask "*.txt", with a most recent stamp of 2004-03-12 14:15:00. If for some reason you need to transfer the file again, running the task again will not suffice, since this file will no longer be new. One solution is to edit the timestamps for this source. In the Tasks tab, right-click the source "Download new ‘/uploads/*.txt’ from ‘XYZ FTP Server’ ", and select "Edit Source Timestamps". Double-click the entry for "/uploads" with filemask "*.txt" and change the timestamp, perhaps to 2004-03-12 14:14:59. Then the next time this task is run, report.txt will appear to be new.

For a related, but obscure, feature, see Editing Task Transfer Exceptions.