SSH - Configuration

The MOVEit DMZ Configuration Utility program is used to configure the MOVEit DMZ SSH server. (Users, groups, folder settings and the like are generally maintained through the Web Interface or MOVEit DMZ API.) Run the configuration program by choosing the Start menu shortcut "MOVEit DMZ Config" This program uses a tabbed dialog to group the settings by function.

MOVEit DMZ SSH will immediately apply configuration changes the next time a new connection is received.

Exception: If changes are made to the SSH port, the MOVEit DMZ SSH service must be restarted for this changes to take effect.


configutil_ssh.png (24753 bytes)

Exporting the SSH Public Key

To export MOVEit DMZ's SSH public key, click the "View" button on the "SSH" tab of the MOVEit DMZ Config utility. The dialog will show you the key in two different formats. To "export" it, select all the text in the window displaying the format you wish to export, press "CTRL+C" to copy the text, then save it into a text file of your choice.

configutil_viewsshkey.png (104750 bytes)

HINT: MOVEit DMZ's SSH server key never changes, so it's probably worth the extra time to export both formats of the same SSH server key while you're in the dialog. If you save these off (perhaps on an internal server) you may never need to come back to the "SSH" tab again.

Diagnostic Logs

The MOVEit DMZ SSH server's diagnostic log settings can be changed on the Status tab of the configuration utility. See the "Configuration Utility" document for more information about this tab.

Paths Tab

The MOVEit DMZ SSH server communicates with MOVEit DMZ using the "Machine URL" configured on this tab. See the "Configuration Utility" document for more information about this tab.

SSH Algorithms

The encryption and hashing algorithms the MOVEit DMZ SSH server uses are currently not configurable. (The encryption and hashing algorithms the MOVEit DMZ SSL servers - both HTTP and FTP - use are configurable.) However, certain clients may want to know which algorithms the MOVEit DMZ server supports, so this section provides a complete list.

Many SSH clients can also obtain this information from MOVEit DMZ just by connecting because the SSH protocol requires the server to list which modes it supports. In other words, there is no security reason to keep this information private.

SSH Encryption Algorithms

MOVEit DMZ SSH server supports the following encryption algorithms.

SSH Hash Algorithms

MOVEit DMZ SSH server supports the following (keyed) hash algorithms.

SSH Compression Algorithms

MOVEit DMZ SSH server supports the following on-the-fly compression algorithms.