Advanced Topics - System Internals - Exception Handling

In the rare event of an internal error occurring during the normal operation of a MOVEit DMZ server, DMZ will contain such an error, and display a friendly message to the end user who was unlucky enough to encounter it. The message contains the description of the error, and the call stack of the application at the time of the error, as well as instructions to report the error to the appropriate technical support person or group, whose contact information is also displayed.

Some company audits may require a demonstration of this error handling capability. For this reason, a special transaction which causes a harmless exception to be thrown inside DMZ is available. To execute this transaction, simply add "transaction=blowup" to your URL query string. For example, if your MOVEit DMZ server is located at "", you would first signon to your DMZ server, and then load the URL "" into your browser.

exception1.gif (32675 bytes)

To suppress the appearance of the specific internal error displayed on this page from end users, disable the Show System Error Messages system setting. SysAdmins can change this setting by clicking on the System | Auditing | Error Display link on the Settings page.