Advanced Topics - System Internals - Technical Reference

This technical document describes the file structure, registry entries and other details of the MOVEit DMZ system. Generally this information is only important for administrators (i.e. SysAdmins) who set up and troubleshoot MOVEit DMZ systems. Note: location names like [Web Files] are used only as a notation in this document; they do not refer to literal directory names or registry key names on a MOVEit system.

File System

[Non-Web Files]

By default, the [Non-Web Files] directory is "D:\MOVEitDMZ". This value is configurable during installation and may be changed by advanced administrators using the MOVEit DMZ Config program. In MOVEit DMZ Resiliency configuration, these directories are also present on the common NAS.

[Web Files]

The [Web Files] directory is configurable during installation and may be changed by advanced administrators using the MOVEit DMZ Config program.

[ISAPI Files]

The [ISAPI Files] directory is configurable during installation and may be changed by advanced administrators using the MOVEit DMZ Config program.

[Database Files] (only if MySQL is the database engine)

If you are using MySQL as your database engine, the [Database Files] directory is configurable during installation and may be changed by advanced administrators using the MOVEit DMZ Config program. If the location of the MySQL data files is changed, this change will also need to be reflected in the MY.INI file. By default, it is "D:\MySQL".

Registry Entries

MOVEit DMZ uses the following base key in the registry:

[Root Key]


MOVEit DMZ sends the following cookies to web client browsers. Cookies marked "Session" are deleted when the browser is closed. Those marked "Persistent" will be saved between browser restarts, unless the browser is configured otherwise.


MOVEit DMZ services can be stopped and started by using the Windows Services program, or by using the DMZ Config program.